Uber noober questions and help me with my selections.


Well-Known Member
Okie dokie, I was playing around with a fried n64 board and I noticed this case across the table, and thought it might fit if I trim a little and have the cart slot stick out. However, I am a little confuzzled about where to relocate power and A/V. Please shed some light on this peas.
in b4 budnespid

You can fit a trimmed board in there without RCPing and without it sticking out the top. The Toasty's case is smaller than that in every dimension.
Ground: It's everywhere. Scratch some up or use a small piece of grounding strip.
12v/7.4v: The 12v pin on the 7805
3.3v: I don't quite remember. Follow a trace to a cap or scratch up some of a 3.3v trace. Not sure if it makes a difference, but it's probably best to solder it on right after the power switch.
Toast, since I want to trim my board just like yours, were there any traces you had to relocate when you trimmed like you did?