Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3d Duo Battles.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone want to have some duo battles?
I am actually suprised that there isn't a forum on this.
I mean Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3d is a pretty fun game.
We need to set up a date and time to do some duo battles.
Here is my friend code

Name: HackerBily

FriendCode: 1676-3756-8076

If, this is in the wrong spot, please move it.
So far what I've played of this game I do not enjoy. Is it entirely time based kill-all-enemies crap or is there any actual story?
There is no story. At least I don't think it does.
So, Far it's just kill as many zombies as you can within the time limit.
So you can get the highest rank possible and unlock weapons and characters and coustumes.
I just need help completing like 2 or 3 of them because the time limit with them
always last to long.
It's a rushed side mode packaged as a full game with pointless save restrictions. Wait for Revelations.
I know,I just thought it would be fun playing with some people here on modretro, rather than some of my freinds who suck at any resident evil game or zombie fighting games.
Plus, I just want to play with some of my idiols.
I am selling my copy. I was under the impression it was a story game. If it goes on as it does, it's utter crap.
Eh,I just like killing zombies. I mean it's a nonstop zombie killing spree and I like it so far.
Toast, How good are you at it, because I need help beating this one part and like i said all my friends suck at it and it sorta takes 2 people to beat this level. I mean 1 person could beat it if he tried but i can't. Either me ot my partner dies right at the last minute or soo.
Oh,that's why.
After,you get to like levels 4 and 5 it's extremely fun.
The first 3 are pretty boring. I never play them.
Try to unlock the other levels and play them.
Back in my day, if we liked a song, we bought the whole album, and, you know what? The other songs on the album didn't suck.

Back in my day, if we played a video game, it was fun the whole way through, not once you've gotten through half of it. :/

It's only fun after the first few levels = flaxty game.
No story/not a sandbox = flaxty game.
Toast doesn't like it = flaxty game.

Sorry dude, but you bought a flaxty game.