Painting my new bedroom

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Well, this really doesn't pertain to this site at all, but uh, Imma ask it here anyway. You guys usually have good ideas.

I'm getting a new bedroom soon. I will be painting the walls. I would do stripes and flax, but the problem is the walls have knockdown on them, (Texture), making stripes nearly impossible. So basically I can't paint straight lines of any sort here. You guys have any ideas for a way to integrate more than one color per wall? I like the color combination of dark gray-black with warm colors like red, orange, and yellow.
You don't want to paint your room black. The only good way I can think of is putting in a chair rail, and painting a different color above and below.
I was afraid it may be a bit too dark, that's why I said a darker gray. Plus there would be pretty large amounts of yellow, orange, and some touches of red in there as well. Splattering the stuff on almost seems a goodish idea, hmmmm...........
Paint one wall black, then one red, one gray, then one orange. Use painter's tape (the blue stuff) one each corner so that the paint doesn't accidentally brush onto the wrong wall. Paint your door yellow.
I don't really like that idea much, I put in my op "per wall"...... It may come down to that though, that's really the only way I can see myself besides splatter painting it as nobble suggested.

TBH though I'd probably just go with a solid color rather than the one color per wall idea.
Or print my avatar onto sticky gray paper, then you'll have orange, red and gray. Plus, I'll watch you while you sleep. That's right. Get freaked out.
Well it turns out I don't get to do crazy splat painting and flax.

I guess that means keep the craziness down.

Which means not as many colors. New ideas?
Two colors: gray and orange. Do alternating stripes down your wall, with painter's tape as I mentioned.

Otherwise, pick your favorite color and paint all walls the same.
I usually paint my rooms a light tan, then cover the wall with pictures and posters.
Zeturi, I'd totally do something like that, but as I mentioned, stripes are not an option because of the knockdown.

And J.D, that's the "formal" option that I use as a last resort instead of white. Better than white I suppose, but uh, meh, I would like something else better.

If anyone knows of a way to paint stripes on knockdown, I'll kiss you. Or eat my hat. Or something.
Honestly, with a decent roller, you can still get some even stripes. If it really doesn't work, a cheap and easy solution would be to get thin little strips of wooden trim to put along your stripe seams. If there aren't too many, it wouldn't cost much. They're only like 4 dollars per 8 feet.
Room-painting, huh? Ah, you're in for some fun! :D

The bottom part of my walls is painted a dark blue, with some 8" or so black wallpaper going part-way around the room. I've got walls like yours, but I was still able to get reasonably good edges with painter's tape where there wasn't any wallpaper.

I like βeta's suggestion a lot, though. Not only would you be hiding any edge inconsistencies if you painted stripes, the wooden trim would give your room a classy look. Just be sure your stripes are fairly wide, because otherwise it'd look kinda weird.

Bondo is:
1- autobody cement
2- only good for woodworking when you're filling large gaps
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