Help me build my computer? PEASE

Isn't it better two run two 1 gb sticks than a one 2 gb stick?

Like I said though, I'm seriously on a budget. The only things on that list that I'm going to actually order will be the stuff I can't get cheaper locally, or used. I probably can fork out up to $400, but only if I skip a few meals and sell a couple of systems. I'd prefer to stay around $300.
Thing is, these 2 gb sticks are 1600 mhz, and those old 1 gb sticks are 800 mhz. So better.

300 is a hard thing to do, even without hd and dd.

I'd still change out the ram sticks for a Mushkin 2 gb 1600 mhz stick, and use the extra $10 plus maybe some more to get a better processor. I wish I had done that when I built mine.
That's a good wireless card. It's the one I've got in my desktop. The only downside is... it's wireless. Prepare yourself for lag spikes. It works fine most of the time, but sporadically I'll get some crazy high ping that cripples my gaming. D: