California - ModRetro get-together (September 3 -5)

I'll show, I got nothing else to do.

If you livestream it, I'd probably do that. Otherwise, I'm not travelling to the other side of the country to see you, no matter how pretty you think you are.
Alright Sony, I'll have to reschedule my saturday morning to come. I can't go on the 4th and the 5th tho.
Livestream it, and I can livestream... something, that way we can mod together in spirit.
sorry but without me. i'll be there next time ... if i've got 700€ for going to CA and back home... :mrgreen:

that's not that i don't want, but, my screen is not large enough to show me CA and my home in the same page on google maps :sweat:
of course, but where you go to a convention you don't know every exposant ... that's why it's interesting, exchanging with people who's got other ideas, thought and method than you.

[phylosophic: on]
After, yeah it got it's good and bad sides, like every things we do in life
[phylosophic: off]

at this time, i think the forum will be enough for me

happy meet guy's
Crazy Inventor said:
Not a good idea to meet people you don't know. Not to rain on your parade.

That why my parents let me travel alone to the underground of NY to meet up with people from the internet!

Crazy Inventor said:
Not a good idea to meet people you don't know. Not to rain on your parade.
Yeah, that's generally how it works. However, the dojo is a public place. Anybody can just walk in, wither it be a MR member or another electrical engineer of some sort, we all end up as friends in the end! :awesome:

I mean it's not like I'm inviting you to my house or anything. After all, if I did that... never mind. :sweat: