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  1. Thursty

    Retro Repair Tips Episode 7: Front-Light your Gameboy Color

    Hey guys! Thursty here. I've got a new episode out this week, and with it, A Contest! In this week's episode, we look at installing a front-light into a Gameboy Color, step by step. Also, I will be holding a contest for one lucky viewer to win the Gameboy featured in this episode. So go check it...
  2. Thursty

    Retro Repair Tips!

    Hey guys, It's been a while...I know. Life has had me so busy forever now. I recently started my web series, Retro Repair Tips. Currently I have a facebook page, a Youtube channel, and a blog. I post weekly episodes of video game repairs, and mods. You guys should totally support me and go check...
  3. Thursty

    Ambassador 3DS with 3 Games

    Well I've grown tired of the good ol 3DS, and I dont really want it anymore. I played it lightly, only managing to play through Zelda and MarioLand. PIC PIC PIC PIC It's cyan, and still has the original box with all the packaging. It's all in perfect condition, having been lightly used the...
  4. Thursty

    Michaelthurston's Nintentron 64

    Chest mounted N64 portable for an Episode of Talking Classics by Nathan Barnatt. Designed and requested by him in early February. I had basically no creative input on this portable, so for those who think this is one of the stupidest design ever, keep in mind that it's for this guy: It's...
  5. Thursty

    3DS Friendcodes!

    Anyone who has a friend code needs to post it here! Also, list your games. Mine's: 2062 -9146 - 7100 I have SSFIV
  6. Thursty

    Something strange happened to one of my N64's

    So While I was working on Nintentron 64, I was in the process of testing out my new batteries, when something strange happened. I was using a perfectly working, un touched rev-04 board. I plugged it in via the wall, and TV, worked perfectly. I wired up the batteries(which worked fine on my...
  7. Thursty

    Thursty's new rig

    So I've had a decent rig for a while, but I really built it pretty haphazardly, not knowing the specifics about CPUs, Cache, and Ram speeds. Now that I've gone through 3 years of Computer Maintenance/Technician, I feel I'm ready to build myself a fairly beastly rig. Next paycheck I will have...
  8. Thursty

    Thursty's "NintenTron 64" Commission.

    Hey MR, looks like I'm building another N64p. Thought that wouldn't happen for a while. Anyways, onto the specs. This isn't your normal run-of-the-mill N64p. It will not be handheld; well, the N64 will not be anyways. My good friend Nathan Barnatt(Also known as Keith Apicary, Trale Lewous...
  9. Thursty

    WTT: Black Wii for WORKING 360

    This is more of an interest check than anything. I want to trade my Pretty much brand new Black Wii w/ hookups/ 1 controller set/motion plus/wii sports/resort/mm9/PW:JFA/homebrew channel/and classic controller pro I want a 360 with 1-2 controllers, and cables, dont need a hard drive. HDMI...
  10. Thursty

    My Restoration of an original vs. Super Mario bros. cabinet

    So I'm gonna be picking up a Mario bros. arcade system today, in rough shape for about $100. Known Problems: Original Cab, different side art. Sound issues. A lot of unknown problems for sure. I'll update this thread as it happens.
  11. Thursty

    Just because I can, Famicom Pictures.

    So I recently acquired a Family Computer. $35, pretty Dang good deal, actually. :awesomethursty: But that aside, I realized that this thing is TINY, I can literally hold it in one hand, all the way around. As I expected, the mobo is incredibly small. Like 1/4 -1/3 the size of an American NES...
  12. Thursty

    Question about a DSi

    Should this thing turn on with no battery in it, and an AC adapter plugged into it?
  13. Thursty

    FS: Thursty64, a Nintendo 64 Portable.

    Yeeeep. I've completed all my tests, and it seems to perform fine. Battery life: 3 hours 10 minutes Features: 5" Zenith Screen 4500 mAh Li-Po's Expansion pak Third party Super pad controller Playstation 1 analog stick Controller Expansion pak, for Memory cards/rumble paks, and Transfer paks...
  14. Thursty

    (mostly) finished: Thursty64

    Hey all, Today I have just completed one of my most anticipated projects, my Third N64 portable. I spent a total of around 60-80 hours on this, and I think It turned out well. It took me around 2 weeks of planning, and around 80 hours of labor to complete this. Here is the original mockup: As...
  15. Thursty

    Thursty's new Portable, The Thursty64(DONE, SEE NEWS FORUM)

    I really am bad at naming things. Anyways, this is going to a portable for myself, NO MORE COMMISSIONS. Its going to be a full featured portable, I'm not focusing on size either, so it will be as big as it need it to be. Specs: Completely un-modded Zenith Screen Superpad controls with N64...
  16. Thursty

    FS: PS3 Fat 40gig

    This is a release 40Gig PS3, I bought it from a friend broken a while back, I reflowed it and its worked fine ever since then. I have the console, 2 controllers, all the hookups. 2 Games included: LittleBigPlanet GoTY inFamous Looking for $200 Pictures at request. Basically I'm looking...
  17. Thursty

    Game pak not booting/starting

    So A couple months ago I got a copy of Oracle of Ages for Free, being told it didnt work. the cart was dirty so I thought that was all it was, Cleaned it, Popped it in, Loaded past Nintendo Gameboy screen, white screen. Cleaned again, White screen. Baked in Oven, White screen. Replaced...
  18. Thursty

    WTTF: Super Monkey ball 1 for GCN

    I bought a copy of Super monkey ball for GCN and Gamestop the other day, and it didn't work. the disc looks fine, but no matter how I clean it it doesn't read. I am willing to trade Animal crossing for it, as that is the only dupe I have atm. Or you could be a badass and just send me a...
  19. Thursty

    Backlighting a GB pocket, help.

    I'm trying to backlight my GBP using an NDSL backlight, but whenever I put the backlight in, the picture is barely if at all visible, I'm using everything that came out of the backlight, but the picture just doesn't show up very well. I know it isn't draining any power from the LCD, because I...
  20. Thursty

    Something very odd I found at a Garage sale.

    today while garage saling, I found a color of N64 I'd never seen before, A solid Red. Not Funtastic Fire Red, but Solid red, Like the controller. I paid $10 for it, and it came with all the hookups and matching controller. After searching everywhere, I can't find one like it...Wtf? From the...