Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! (NVM, store suxxorz)

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Re: Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! "$36.85" each!!!

You'll save $5.70 if you do the group buy over buying one yourself.

1 of these shipped is $45.55.
Or, with the group buy, let's say epicelite can get 'em shipped for, oh, $3 a piece.
In which case, $39.85.

Oh, and you'll have to wait longer for the shipping.
Plus, if you want it to survive, you'll probably want insurance on that shipping, so it's more like $5 shipping.
Making it more like $3.70 savings.

By the way, I wouldn't make a post that makes me sound like this much of a jerk if me and epic hadn't already talked about it :wink:
Re: Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! "$36.85" each!!!

I'm not sure you'd save money that way. You'd have to pay shipping anyway.

EDIT: yeah, so says everyone else.
Re: Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! "$36.85" each!!!

nevermind, I'm out. I've bought a zenith screen from their evay store before. Hidden fees after you aggree to buy the stuff. My $45 screen ended up $54.
Re: Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! "$36.85" each!!!

themadhacker said:
nevermind, I'm out. I've bought a zenith screen from their evay store before. Hidden fees after you aggree to buy the stuff. My $45 screen ended up $54.


Ok lets not buy from themz!
Re: Zeneth 5" XBOX LCD group buy! "$36.85" each!!!

epicelite said:

Care to explain what sexuality has to do with any of this before I send you a PM and maybe a warning?

Before you ask, the word "Gay" isn't the issue, but rather the way you're using it. The use of it to indicate negative feelings toward something is infuriating on multiple levels.
Oh sorry Hillary duff, didn't see you there!

Seriously, how many people here are gay? And besides that, if its offensive, why isn't it blocked out by the word filter? And, using the term normally, what kind of discussion are we going to have about the topic save this one?

yeah, maybe he was using the term gay to explain that he was happy that somebody pointed out the dangers of buying from the seller before he made the mistake of buying from them. He was happy, so he was gay.
ShockSlayer said:
Oh sorry Hillary duff, didn't see you there!

Seriously, how many people here are gay? And besides that, if its offensive, why isn't it blocked out by the word filter? And, using the term normally, what kind of discussion are we going to have about the topic save this one?


It's not that the word is offensive, it's just the epitome of language rape! It's not that I'm "offended" by the word as you so assumed, but this rather ranks right up there with "I could care less". If anyone here doesn't see the flaw with "could care less", then it appears we've got a bigger problem.
ShockSlayer said:
Oh sorry Hillary duff, didn't see you there!

Seriously, how many people here are gay? And besides that, if its offensive, why isn't it blocked out by the word filter? And, using the term normally, what kind of discussion are we going to have about the topic save this one?

VB_master. :whistle:
Hey, SS this guy speaks for a little gay rights and you act like a jerkbag. Newtons 3rd law "for every action there is an equal and oppisite reaction" you act that way I stop looking at your stuff.

Triforce said:
Hey, SS this guy speaks for a little gay rights and you act like a jerkbag. Newtons 3rd law "for every action there is an equal and oppisite reaction" you act that way I stop looking at your stuff.

You're an idiot. SS doesn't even visit here anymore. I can also assure you he does not care about your opinion.

With that said, don't bump dead threads.
Why the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* do people insist on posting in year old threads seriously. Just please don't ever do it ever.
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