Zelda OOT & Zelda MM rocks!!!!


Active Member
Zelda OOT(ocarana of time) & Zelda MM(majora's mask) are true classics. post your progress in any of those games (if you have any of them) and if you are stuck on a part- post here, because I beat them many times.
Ocarina of Time: Got to that Dodongo cave place and got stuck. Maybe if I finish my N64p I'll finish it.
Majora's Mask: Don't own.
XCVG said:
Ocarina of Time: Got to that Dodongo cave place and got stuck. Maybe if I finish my N64p I'll finish it.
Majora's Mask: Don't own.
What part in the Dodongo cave are you stuck on?
It's the shortest level in the game I think.
I've beaten Ocarina of time from start to finish 63 times, and Majora's mask from start to finish 17 times.

Yeah, I had to do SOMETHING with all those N64p's

Joeyjoe9876 said:
they both are awesome, but i haven't beaten them. and where do you go after snowpeak ruins on Twilight Princess? :dah:

Sorry, I have never play Twighlight Princess
I think ocarina is overrated. Its a good game but honestly, Wind Waker is pretty much the best console zelda game.
I do love wind waker, however, OOT was an amazing game given the circumstances of it's release. Is wind waker better than OOT? Well, that's a matter of opinion; but I have yet to see a Nintendo 64 that can run it. (Even with the N64DD :p )
Never played WW.....

And I am too much of a dumbtard to beat TP....cant find the Dang fish!!!
To me they are all just as good, but OOT & MM are classic, especially OOT, and I like playing zelda games on the 64.
Favorite Zelda Games: Ocarina of Time: Beaten it
Majora's Mask: Only played once for 10 minutes
Link's Awakening DX: Beat the game, got every single shell except the last, couldnt find it
The Question said:
Favorite Zelda Games: Ocarina of Time: Beaten it
Majora's Mask: Only played once for 10 minutes
Link's Awakening DX: Beat the game, got every single shell except the last, couldnt find it
Funny I have each of those games.