My top favourite genre is FPS, like every other codfag out there. That being said, I play several, so picking five out of two is kind of hard for me.
1. Call of Duty 4. Don't laugh too hard, I play it for the campaign.
2. Counter-Strike Source, this one is for MP.
3. Garry's Mod- uh, does this one even count?
4. Bad Company 2, both SP and MP.
5. Half-Life 2. It was amazing when I first played it, but I haven't done that in a while.
Next is a split between RPG and RTS. So I put both!
1. Mass Effect. The first one.
2. Mass Effect 2. It's actually a tossup, but ME1 edges it out due to better PC support.
3. CnC Generals/Zero Hour. Better with friends. Way better with friends.
4. Fallout 3, just started to play and already love it.
5. Red Alert 3. I know a lot of people hate it, but I had a lot of fun with it. I played with a friend, who now only has access to a flaxty PC and can't play it anymore.
Ones that didn't make the list due to genre restraints:
1. Minecraft, I've pissed away so much time building flax on this it's not even funny.
2. Just Cause 2. I'm actually not sure where this one would go, genre-wise.
3. The Sims 2, I should probably buy 3. I kind of misuse this one though.
4. Silent Hunter III. Usually I take the XXI and launch a salvo of guided torpedoes at ships I don't like from 500m away.
5. Portal. Maybe this one should be higher, I dunno. Portal 2 was bigger and richer, but I think Portal deserves to be on this list more.