Xbox 360 Video Glitch


Well-Known Member
I'm having an issue with an Xbox 360 Slim. You can the video is very glitchy, more towards the right of the screen.

It happens after about 5 minutes of having the console on and gets worse by the minute. It only happens through HDMI, too. AV is fine. I don't have any idea what caused this, but a related issue seems to be that it also won't boot Saints Row 3 and 4 (they're both digital, downloaded), Arkham City, and possibly some others.

I can't be certain but I feel like audio also gets a little wonky when this happens, suddenly lowering in volume.
is the HDMI cable properly connected?
try switching it with another if you cant get it to work.
did you recently change any settings?
No settings have been changed recently. Several different cables were used with several TV's. This seems like an internal hardware issue...
the HDMI chip could be broken, overheating or shorted.
other than that i don't know what the problem is.
Any ideas what may have damaged the chip in that way? I didn't have much of a chance to inspect the motherboard.
overheating: you may have left the console on for too long.
age: the console may just be old.(unlikely)
manufacturing defect: the manufacturers may have stuffed up something which only now affected it.
Yeah that's not supposed to happen with HDMI. My bet would be on overheating, but I haven't heard of this happening on any slims.

If you don't want to repair it yourself, a temporary fix can be buying/using a VGA cable, since most HDTVs should have a VGA port. It's not ideal, but you really shouldn't notice much difference in quality.