WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 22/04/12]

Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

Lots of progress, but i don't feel like posting it since most of it isn't that interesting to you guys, although i do have a big problem :

I wired my wiikey fusion today

i only wired the data lines, and then a common ground and 3.3V

The cube boots and shows there is a disk drive, and if i click my NC switch (wii eject) the wiikeys led shines like it does on my wii..
But it has never gone any further, the cube says it can't read the disk...

What should i do, could anyone help?

Also it's worth noting that there are wii games on my sd card... don't know if it has any role...

Thanks guys
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

You have to only have the 1.5 update on the SD card when you first boot it connected to a GC. Maybe that's the issue?

Also, your case is awesome.
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

Sounds like the region switch on the wiikey is not set to the correct region for the cube.
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

I had thourougly checked everything, including the region switch, and like i said, it worked on my wii so...

I tried what you guys said, got nowhere... Gonna do the wiring all over again anf get back to you guys, anyways thanks for the help ^^
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

When wirig my memory card, the cube asked to format it, is that normal?
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

If it got screwed up, yeah. If there's nothing on the card, then just do it. If you have saves there, they'll get deleted.
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 09/04/11]

Kind of a big update here,

managed to wire the wiikey fusion, turns out pin 5 was loose. It is still kind of a mess...

As you can see, the motherboard has been trimmed and so has been the heatsink

About the case....
I first had it great, i mean awesome... it still rage about this... cause then i ruined it up with too much clearcoat, as you can see...



So then i manned up a sanded it up for a week, repainted, reclearcoated, though it's not as perfect.. Close enough...


Anyway, loads of pics, hope some of you care ^^

but the main reason for me posting, is that i am real close to finishing this, my only problem remains the clock and mem card..
I soldered on the bios clock, but it doesn't save language nor settings, and as for the memory card, it always asks to format it...
would anyof you guys know wether it's related? Or what is the issue? thanks..
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

well if the mem card is third party then it is probably broken
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

Memcard is likely wired wrong or has a bad connection. I've had this happen a few times and rewiring/checking stuff usually does the trick.
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

wiring is often my problem, guess i never learn... thanks anyways :awesome:
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

Ok so i have now put everything in the case and took it back because A button decided not to work when the ePoxy had dried.. I'm having a hard time taking the biggest part of the controller out to fix it.. I don't know if this project will ever be completed but i don't plan on giving up so close...
If you guys have any tips..
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

Sorry, double post, but i've decided to change the whole controller, is it even possible that the problem is coming from the controller, i mean can only the A button be busted? I've tried everything anyways so i'm going with this choice
Re: WiiCUBE fusion worklog [update 18/03/12]

okay guys.. i'm getting tired of this, i have rewired a whole new controler and everything works great.
Except for the C stick...
I had traced it myself but seemed to be wrong according to bentomo's traces scan and SS's diagram..
Well everything was inverted and in a weird way so i inverted what i though X and Y were and it was now perfectly inverted.
By that i mean up was down and left was right.

I believe it was the most playable "state", cause then i followed a diagram SS drew here : http://forums.modretro.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=8324 and now only the stick in the right direction works, and gives Down. The other three directions give me crawling (inverted crawling)...

Ideas? Comments? Better pinouts?

Tanks guys.
I'm gonna go sleep it off now as i am passing a test i've been stuying for 2 years in a week, if you don't help me i guess i'll try all possibilities...
I mean there are only (4!) of them... :(

EDIT : Adding a few pics since it has been long since an update...


Gonna be a real tight fit... Dunno if i can pull it off...

I fixed it.. Turns out SS's diagram us not good on none of the five official controllers i Own, maybe that's à PAL thing...
I really like the design of this, but is it really as 'thick' as it looks? Just seems like it would be hard to use the controls while holding it because of that, haha.

Like it overall though.