Aurelio's first GCp worklog


Active Member
Hello! Finally I had a little bit of time to make this post.
I had the idea of making a GCp almost a year ago, but after buying some stuff (mostly GC motherboards and a WASP) I stopped working on it due to work and university.
A little bit more than a month ago I finally started working on this project again.
First of all I made a pretty conservative cut to my motherboard (like the medium cut) and I wired the WASP fusion to it.

(Also the right side, after the long blue line, has been removed)
I've also wired a 128 MB memory card directly to the mobo and it works just perfect :)

Next I modified the stock heatsink so that an eeepc side blower could sit fine on it (still have to test it, though):


(yeah I know, it's a crappy job :D )

Right now I'm focusing on the case. I'm using as a base a Wii U GamePad crystal case that I got from eBay. As a screen I'm using a 4.3" LCD so it fits without any problems.
First I cut some parts from a GC controller clone and I made them fit in the case (along with the screen frame):

Then I used a plastic filler (this is my first time using such thing, so it's not a perfect job) to cover all the extra holes (some of them might be reopened for the speakers)



(This last one shows very well all the imperfections that I made, tomorrow I'll fix them. Don't mind the LCD quality, the picture came out completely wrong).

UPDATE 18/07/2015:
I applied a first coat of primer and then I applied a couple of layer of painting



UPDATE 20/07/2015:
I've cut a GameCube controller's board (a clone one) and placed all the buttons (except for Z, L and R ones that will be placed in the other part of the case).

This is my first portable, so be nice :mrgreen:

More update soon!
Aurelio, how did you put the controller parts in your case?
Before the plastic filler?
And I love how you put the parts into the case and not on top of it, when you can see
the sides of the controllei parts, this portable is turning out great a good luck with what's
Ampz said:
Aurelio, how did you put the controller parts in your case?
Before the plastic filler?
And I love how you put the parts into the case and not on top of it, when you can see
the sides of the controllei parts, this portable is turning out great a good luck with what's
Thanks :)
First I modified the holes of the case so that the controller parts could fit in it, then I hot glued them to the case. After that I applied the filler.

@stuckonarock: I will make a picture later today :)
stuckonarock said:
Looking good!

Hey can you post a close-up pic of your wasp wiring? Curious to see how you wired yours. (having issues with mine :( )
Sorry for the wait. Here are the close-up pictures you asked me :)


Also, new update in the first post :)
New update! I've cut a GameCube controller's board (a clone one) and placed all the buttons (except for Z, L and R ones that will be placed in the other part of the case).