Wii Motherboard Layer Info


Frequent Poster
The Wii has AT LEAST 5 layers. But there is another layer on the backside with hidden traces (3 layers deep). So we may be looking at 6 layers total.

Here is a diagram to explain what I am talking about:

The following pics show hidden traces on the wii:

This is a CRVL-CPU-01 Wii motherboard.

7 different voltages across the board - FRONTSIDE (note that I didn't get everything)

Hidden traces (one layer beneath the voltage layer) - FRONTSIDE
These are neat looking, but I don't find them especially useful, atleast not yet. We need to get something going like Beta did with his N64 compendium, now that's hella useful.

If you get a chance, test out those different voltage spots and we can see what different voltages are in each section of the voltage layer.

That was one of the first things Zenloc did back in the gamecube days. So that might be a good place for us to start.
We decided to merge Wii and Gamecube because the Wii has more in common with the Gamecube than the 360/PS3.

Also, great job on this Tchay.