If this is real and it works with a WKF it will be ultra tiny. It will become the end all be all for portabilizing. It could play 64, GC, NES, SNES, GBA, GB, GBC and the list goes on.
Might not be able to play GameCube games. The last revision's disc drive couldn't accept GC discs, so I imagine if they've redesigned the mobo, they won't have bothered including the GameCube hardware.
DK said:
Might not be able to play GameCube games. The last revision's disc drive couldn't accept GC discs, so I imagine if they've redesigned the mobo, they won't have bothered including the GameCube hardware.

Yeh because the newer wiis have no GameCube Compatibility anymore, so I doubt they will include it in this mini wii.
zeldaxpro said:
DK said:
Might not be able to play GameCube games. The last revision's disc drive couldn't accept GC discs, so I imagine if they've redesigned the mobo, they won't have bothered including the GameCube hardware.

Yeh because the newer wiis have no GameCube Compatibility anymore, so I doubt they will include it in this mini wii.

The new wiis can still play them with Dios Mios. They just can't be read by the disc drive.
The new wiis can still play them with Dios Mios. They just can't be read by the disc drive.

But even if they can with software there are no GameCube Ports on the Newer Wiis, or any GameCube Hardware at all so how would you be able to play GameCube games?
zeldaxpro said:
The new wiis can still play them with Dios Mios. They just can't be read by the disc drive.

But even if they can with software there are no GameCube Ports on the Newer Wiis, or any GameCube Hardware at all so how would you be able to play GameCube games?
all they did was remove the ports and the smt components. You can solder these back on and have a normal Wii with full GC compatibility if you wanted.
No internet means no VC games :cry:

Hopefully someone works how to run homebrew on it soon.

Edit: Has a PS1 style flip open top, should be easier to portablise than a slot loader. Hopefully won'tmatter though it it supports the WiiKey.

looks about the width of a wiimote and maybe the length of a wiimote with a motion+, so maybe ~5.8 x 7.1 inches in-case?
Devolution could work, but you'd still have to include the disc drive because of the programmers insane anti piracy crap. I'd also put money on Nintendo building this thing with disabling various homebrew and Wiikey devices in mind. Not really sure how useful this really will be because of those challenges. The Wii itself can likely be shrunk just as far as this and will be much better functioning.
Considering Smash Stack still works on the Wii U's Wii mode, it'll probably still work on this too.
maybe the only thing stopping GC games from working is the lack of appropriate ports like those newer Wiis.

there might be a mod similar to this we can preform
Fluxedo said:
If we find some mod to use classic controllers on DiosMios we will have GC. But that's mildly far-fetched.

EDIT: found this! GC will most likely work.
Question is, could we find a method that doesn't use the WiiMote at all? If I was doing a portable with this, I'd like it to only act as a Gamecube. I don't really care about Wii support at all and would actually rather not have it. USB controller support maybe?