Wii Laptop

Hi everyone. This is my first post on the forums. I just finished my first portable system a few days ago. I basically modded the board a bit, took off a few components, and attached a screen to the existing Wii housing. Right now it runs off a charger still, but I will be putting a portable battery on it in the future and attaching it to the bottom of the Wii housing.

I'll include some pictures below as well as a video so you can see a little more detail and see it in action. Let me know you thoughts!

Also, I will be making these to order for anyone interested in purchasing one, so if you are interested, just shoot me a PM.


Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c9skdllxoo1kia3/AAA9x7l_qz-EN60isV8GPJyxa?dl=0



It's certainly more focused on functionality than sex appeal, but hey, it works, and that's what counts. Always love a first post that's something other than, "Hey guys, how do I do [basic question that's answered in one google search]".

Would love to see friction hinges on the next one though.
It's certainly more focused on functionality than sex appeal, but hey, it works, and that's what counts. Always love a first post that's something other than, "Hey guys, how do I do [basic question that's answered in one google search]".

Would love to see friction hinges on the next one though.
I'm going to work a little more on aesthetics on the next one I make, I'm still going to keep the same design idea though. Eventually I may get creative and build a custom housing for the screen at least. Honestly this was just about making one with what I had and spending little to no money.

Do you know where to get "friction hinges"? I got regular hinges and used a pair of vice grips to make them somewhat stiff. It wasn't stiff enough though so I had to put a little plastic stopper on the back.
McMaster Carr has a reasonable selection, and I'd say part #1791A44 looks just about right. That said, you can get them from amazon, ebay, probably digikey, etc. A lot of hardware stores will have a limited selection for cabinetry as well, though I'd generally expect them to be too resistant for this application. And you can always steal them from laptops too.
McMaster Carr has a reasonable selection, and I'd say part #1791A44 looks just about right. That said, you can get them from amazon, ebay, probably digikey, etc. A lot of hardware stores will have a limited selection for cabinetry as well, though I'd generally expect them to be too resistant for this application. And you can always steal them from laptops too.
Cool thanks!