Wii DVD/Wiikey Fusion/WODE (sd/hdd loading) on Gamecube

Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

The only side effect would be a weaker rumble (if you use the original motor)

Since the mem cards don't need 5V, the only thing using it would be the rumble packs (and maybe accessories like the mario party mic).
The controllers work fine with the 5V line disconnected, without rumble of course.
So I don't see any issues with bridging it with the 3.4V
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube



As soon as my n64p is finished, I am selling it uber cheap so I can buy all my supplies for THIS.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

yes there should be no problem with the controller since wavebird function with 3V

(kind of a useless post but i wanted to point it out)
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

It has been found by some people that the pin29 gnd/1.9v switch when using the wiikey may not be needed. Some people have reported that just wiring a switch to ground works for loading the bootloader. Foundmy has screwed me on my wiikey order and i'm still dealing with it so I cannot test this on my setup yet. If you have the wiikey setup please report back with what is working/not working for you.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

BTW, what the heck's it take to get added to the sticky around here :P
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

40lbs of hot glue and some toenail clippings sacrificed to the retro gods. The normal rituals written in the book of jlee were strictly adheared to. Thx SS.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

I don't recall if I've said it yet, but in case I haven't, I feel I need to.

This might honestly bring about a portable Jelly genuinely likes.
A lot of you know I HATE portables. While the idea is wonderful, I hate the products.
The best portables out there, in my opinion, absolutely *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing suck.
I've seen a handful, a SMALL handful, of VERY professional ones, and you know what, that's WONDERFUL.
But the idea of a portable, to me, is a portable version of what would otherwise be a console, a normal game system.
And if it doesn't fit in my pocket, I don't really see it suiting that definition.

This though?
Gamecube portables have already gotten small.
The GC motherboard is Dang tiny to start, and with a little work, it gets VERY small.
Biggest issue I've seen is the Dang drive.
But, replacing that with this? A TINY PCB, and SD Cards?
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* yes.
GC portable the size of a DMG? That takes SD cards?
GOD Dang.

I want it, I want to see it happen, I want to want a portable.
I want someone to make a portable Gamecube so small and elegant that I want to buy it.
And I can totally see that happening.

So I'm excited for this.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

glad to hear jelly. Yeah, we can definitely make GCPs smaller than DMGs. I've measured out TONS of stuff for case ideas. Of course, theres my secret portable that has been waiting on drive replacement for a while. After I finish that sucker, I'll probably retire. But I still got a good while.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

I would quote you, but your post was pretty long. Everything you just said, *PLINK* yes.
Re: Wii DVD drive on Gamecube

Tchay said:
zenloc said:
I've slimmed the mobo down more than Thcay has..... :P And will slim it down even more tomorrow.... :P :P

Wish I had Ishmael's painting skillz though... :roll:

smaller than this???

Jep mine is smaller than that :wink: Ofcourse one must not only show pics of the cut board but also show a video of it working correctly with all functions in tact :P

When I'm done with my board I'll post some pics and a vid of it in action. Liking the battle for smallest gamecube Tchay! :twisted:

By the way just to give you some info on the voltage lines. The gamecube does not need 5v. The memorycard's work fine without it and the rumble line will work fine if you attach a 3v motor instead of the standard 5v one.

So all that is needed is 1.9v and 3.4v. You can regulate it from 7.4v or 3.7v with the correct regulators. Also as many have already tested the wiikey eject line doesn't need to switch to 1.9v for it to detect the bootloader. Just a regular switch between pin 29 and ground will do.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

oh nice! Bring it!

5v not needed? Really? So the disc drive works with----wait nevermind lol :P

as for cutting smaller....i cant see how you got much further on the AV side.....which means you had to have cut deeper on the controller side >:) but you can only do that with "DOL - CPU - 20" boards...unless you figured something out.

exciting stuff Zenloc ;)
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

This makes me wish I was interested in the gamecube. Maybe I will pick one up and play some games so I can fall in love and be properly excited to the point where I feel motivated to build one of these micro portables. Awesome work, gentlemen.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

samjc3 said:
This makes me wish I was interested in the gamecube. Maybe I will pick one up and play some games so I can fall in love and be properly excited to the point where I feel motivated to build one of these micro portables. Awesome work, gentlemen.
Please do; the GC was way overlooked. Not as much as the Dreamcast, but it has some kick ass games.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

Tchay said:
oh nice! Bring it!

5v not needed? Really? So the disc drive works with----wait nevermind lol :P

as for cutting smaller....i cant see how you got much further on the AV side.....which means you had to have cut deeper on the controller side >:) but you can only do that with "DOL - CPU - 20" boards...unless you figured something out.

exciting stuff Zenloc ;)

Yeah the controller side is cut more I've removed those 5 legged transistors and rewired them which makes the board just a little bit more smaller. On your board I would check to see if all the controller ports work though. I'm not sure it will if you removed the transistors.

On the AV side I cut it just a little more. I cut a long side the GBA player chip like you but continued in a straight line. 1.9v and 3.4v need to be relocated though. I also took all the sound pre amp components off and wires the sound directly from the chip. Same for video. Picture and sound are perfect and all those caps and other components can then be removed.

I probably cut is just a little more then your picture but still it's smaller :P I also have a working memorycard slot a and b. Gotta check that everything works if you want to have a fully functional cut board.

Can't wait to see what you come up with as far as design for you GCP. Also on a side note that screen you are using (the one with vga input) does it also accept RGB?? or does it only work with composite?
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

Zen, those LCD boards come pre wired for VGA and composite input. I'll have to look at the datasheet for the controller board to see about RGB. I haven't done much playing around with mine yet, but I did test the screen on my lab supply @5v and it seems to work fine.

Edit: here is the data sheet for the LCD controller board. http://www.good-lcd.com/upfile/product/ ... 443371.pdf it looks like it may be possible to mod it to accept regular RGB, possibly S-Video also.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

Doesn't seem to have C Sync. H and V Sync to C Sync is quite a troublesome thing to do. Normal RGB seems to be out of the question unless the composite signal is also for C Sync....

Screen looks nice though much better than psone screen. Let us know if you have done any tests.
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

I will hook up the SVideo lines and see what I get. RGB testing is out for me though, as 1. I dont have a cube component cable and 2. NTSC cubes require more modding than I want to do right now to be able to output RGB :/

I'll report back when I have time to test svid. Right now I'm compat testing the fusion. 140ish .iso's to go :3
Re: Wii DVD + Wiikey Fusion (sd loading) on Gamecube

I tried to get RGB working on my screen whwn I got it, but with no luck.
The composite video and VGA lines are separated, and it won't accept C-sync on the H/V pins.

It might be possible if you use a sync separator circuit.