Hey Modretro! So I have been messing around with my gamecube lately. All of my gamecube had been wired up for portablization, so I went to put it in my case. Once everything had been installed in the case, I went to turn on my gamecube. The fan and screen turned on, but the gamecube didn't!Every time I turned it on, the light on my 5 volt audio amp flashed on, then immediately turned off. I tried bridging the 12 volt fuse, but nothing happened. After searching around, I found that this thing ( I'm pretty sure it's a capacitor) was not getting any continuity on my multimeter. Could this be the problem?If so, did I fry my gamecube or is it still salvageable?
Any suggestions on what to do/ what is wrong with my cube wold be very much appreciated!

Any suggestions on what to do/ what is wrong with my cube wold be very much appreciated!