Wasp Fusion bulk sale. We need people!

Here is my suggestion put a deadline say next Saturday for final orders. If we don't meet that goal by then we can just cut our loses. The original goal was 15 so we did technically meet our goal
DarkSlayer said:
Here is my suggestion put a deadline say next Saturday for final orders. If we don't meet that goal by then we can just cut our loses. The original goal was 15 so we did technically meet our goal

Yes please, even if we fall short of 50 orders by Saturday this is still a very decent price that I think we are all willing to pay.
All the interested member PM me Your needed quantity.
Please select a member for US collective shipping.

Will place order by monday next week
So are we still waiting for more people or are we gonna say screw it and order with what we have so far?

Really itching to finish this portable. It's been sitting in a box for two months lol
I'll probably order from mega then since it's back. I won't order as many as I was going to here, I'll leave some for the rest of you guys. :wink:
Also, If we don't get this bulk one going pretty quick, I too will end up ordering from mega. I would still be interested in getting some of these though.
First thing first...
applause to bakuku and his efforts for attempting to coordinate a bulk purchase. Its not easy.
Ive chatted with him on IRC to help his efforts by ensuring he can get correct price estimates and to look out for surprises of additional costs when dealing with these suppliers...

I found myself balancing on a ledge concerning this bulk purchase...

I felt compelled to post vital information here in this thread concerning WASP which most people do not know...This type of vital information could be mistaken as my trying to dissuade the bulk sale and be misconstrued as an attempt to redirect sales to my webstore...
I am still very concerned about posting this information and hope anyone who reads this understands the message im trying to relay concerning a bulk purchases of untested WASPs ...

Since bakuku has mentioned the items are back in stock at badassconsoles i feel this is a good time to inform everyone my findings about WASP now that it would not appear as likely of trying to redirect sales.

In a bulk purchase, i receive my shipments broken up into bags of 30 each.
I test every single WASP prior to order fulfillment from my webstore.
All are connected to a GC using a MEGAdrive V3 to ensure proper boot and all are flashed with swiss to ensure proper write ability of the SPI flash. Also each one is verified to ensure reading an SD card from the WASP slot is possible.

because over the hundreds I have tested, i have found about 2 to 7 WASPs from every bag of 30 are faulty. Faulty condition being: does not boot, does not read SD slot, does not trigger on pin29, does not properly inject GC with the initial ISO. Sometimes a restore will result in a fully functional WASP, but most times i cannot get proper functionality and set those affected WASPs off to the side for future testing and troubleshooting.

Some tests i have performed are:
1. I have dumped the contents of the WASP software to compare against a working WASP in which i have found to be a 1 to 1 match. Improper functionality does not appear to be related to software.

2. I have removed the FPGA from a fully functional WASP and transplanted it onto the PCB of a faulty WASP. The WASP was fully functional which indicated not a PCB component issue but the FPGA itself or bad write to the FPGA firmware...(not to be mistaken as "firmware" included with swiss or official WKF "firmware" updates..this is a different firmware only found on the FPGA and not in the SPI flash chip)

3. i have begun to isolate a possible solution for WASPs which cannot read SD cards. Some progress has been made to improve performance but still far from a proven working solution.

every once in a while i am working to discover how to bring these WASPs back to life and hope to provide solutions for those with a suspected faulty WASP.

While a bulk purchase such as this will provide those interested a little bit of savings, ( about $4 each ??? ) also consider the fact you have no assurances the product received will be functional based on my observations / experiences with WASP over the past (almost) 2 years.

In the end, i eat all costs from defective units but at least i know every WASP ordered and shipped from badassconsoles has been previously tested and verified fully functional.

"you've gotta ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"
- Dirty Harry
Thank you for sharing that Mega. That's some information I didn't consider or frankly even think about as a possibility. I have already placed an order from your store and look forward to receiving it in the next few weeks.

After reading that bit of information I think I'm going to, unfortunately, have to back out of this bulk sale.

Not only for that information posted by Mega, but I also feel that I need to give back to the community that has spent the time and money to figure all of this stuff out, and post it open and freely for the rest of us to use. And if I can help a community member out by spending a few dollars more for a product that is tested and verified working, like the MegaDrive and WASP Fusions, to save myself headaches and my own time and money, I want to do that, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I'm looking at this now, with more info and light shed on this, as I can buy 4 of these bulk wasps for 6-8 dollars cheaper, but then have to flash it with swiss, hope that it works, and all the other stuff that Mega does before they are sent out anyways. It's definitely worth it, to me at least, to pay that bit of extra for that peace of mind.

So I'll have to withdraw my request for 4 wasps. I'm sorry if that drops your numbers below what you will need for the bulk sale, but I cannot justify NOT buying them from Mega Now that he is taking orders again.
Been away for a while. School and what not...

As of now I'm terminating this operation.

Mega has restocked his store and those come pre-flashed with Swiss and are tested before shipping (99.9% :p )
And alot of people backed out and changend wanted quantities too much to my liking.

So succes to all and I'm sure Mega is glad to help you guys!