WiiKey/Wasp Fusion Micro SD card Open Source Board


Frequent Poster
Hello everybody, today I have a little write up for reverse engineering the SD card slot on a wiikey fusion or a wasp fusion.

Just a couple things to note is that the wiikey and wasp are true clones. I tore down both a wasp and wiikey sd card slot just to be safe but turns out that they are exactly the same as far as the sd card slots are concerned. I am also using this image for referencing pins: (while confirming with several other sources for naming consistency)

Important note pointed out by megalomaniac
megalomaniac said:
lets clear this up right now so there is no confusion about this project...
The SD card slots for WASP and WKF are fully interchangeable only if the FFC cable of the host modchip is utilized.

translation: The SD card slots can be mixed and matched but the FCC cable cannot.....
for example:

The purpose of this project is purely for portables. The original SD card slot on the wiikey is a little big and the wasp fusion SD card slot is even bigger so it's not exactly ideal for a portable, so the best option is to replace it with a micro SD card slot.

Here are my findings: (pics are a bit big)

Here are the front of the wasp and wiikey fusion SD card slots, obviously nothing interesting here to see.
Wasp WiiKey

Here is the back, even more boring:
Wasp Back Wiikey Back

Here are the boards without any components:
Bare Wasp Bare Wiikey

And here's the wiikey SD card slot after removing the white solder mask:
Wiikey Sanded

So now after some tracing and double checking, both circuits are exactly the same. Even the FFC connector has the same footprint size. Please note that the schematic that I have here has different names for each resistor due to the software that I used to create it, the values of the resistors, however, are clearly labeled on the schematic.

The board consists of 15 components:
SD card slot____________Non-Standard
12-pin FFC connector____TBD
10uF capacitor__________SMD 0805
1uf capacitor___________SMD 0603
6x 22.1Ώ resistor________SMD 0603
3x 68.1kΏ resistor_______SMD 0603
470kΏ resistor__________SMD 0603
15kΏ resistor___________SMD 0603

As it turns out the wiikey/wasp does not use the SD card sense lines at all, they're completely disconnected, so any SD card presence sensing for the wiikey/wasp appears to be completely software based.

At the top of the schematic we see two capacitors, a 10uf and a 1uf capacitor between power and gnd, this is just some simple decouple and noise filtering.

Now if you do a little math you can see that most of the voltage is dropping of the 68.1k resistors and going straight to the data line. Your guess is as good as mine for the reason for this but the most probably reason is signal mirror filtering. When high speed signals are sent over long wires (in our case the FFC cable) there tends to be some mirroring forming after long periods of time, so these resistors are there to filter and dampen the ringing. Any comments you guys have would be appreciated. As for the 15k resistor on the clock line this is mostly likely a damping resistor for any ringing that would occur.

So overall the extra components are for filtering and protection. I did discover that if there is no cable plugged into the wiikey it will error out so at least some of the parts or the FFC cable is necessary for proper operation. It could also cause issues on the data lines with long game times so I'd recommend leaving them on.

The cool part
And finally the reason for all this. Here's the front and back of the board that I'm currently having fabricated at OSHpark:

On the right hand side of the board you can see a second adapter for mounting and soldering a micro SD gecko board.

The footprint for the micro sd card slot uses this part from digikey:

I don't have a part for the FFC connector as I just copied the footprint from the SD card boards. (As I mentioned earlier both FFC connectors share the same footprint)

All the other components are using the standard package sizes from the original board so if you have an original SD card adapter you can transfer the parts over. If you don't or lack any desoldering skills the parts can easily be found on digikey.

UPDATE *07/11/15*
Here's the updated board, it works great except I missed a disconnected ground trace on the connector. :wtf:

I've updated the pcb files and you can download them here if you're interested here.

Or you can just order them straight from the shared PCB way project. It costs $6.60 for 3 with free shipping.

Remember a link to the SD card slot on digikey is hosted above.

Here it is in action, you can see the repaired ground trace with the air wire.





Please leave any questions or comments below.

Cheers! :D
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

If I were to convert the micro sd to a normal sdcard, all I would have to do is match up the SD column?
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Match up the signal lines with the correct names from the first image. Normal SD cards have an extra gnd line.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Both circuits are exactly the same? I'm almost certain that the JTAG connector is flipped on Wasp in comparison to WiiKey, which is why the FFC is different.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

I'm sorry, JTAG?

The FFC connector appears to carry only SPI for the sd card interface. And as far as I know the interfaces are not compatible.

But that does make me think, where is the programmer connection on this board?

But it is true that I did not cheak the outputs on the FFC or the pitch but the footprint is the same so I'm assuming the footprint is the same. But I suppose the extra grounded connections on the SD card slot could be the JTAG when using something other than an SD card slot.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

lets clear this up right now so there is no confusion about this project...
The SD card slots for WASP and WKF are fully interchangeable only if the FFC cable of the host modchip is utilized.

translation: The SD card slots can be mixed and matched but the FFC cable cannot.....
for example:
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Am I allowd to solder directly to the wkf with the pinout in the diagram?
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Thanks very much mega for pointing that out, I haven't tried that.

I'm going to take a look at the FFC to see why that is. I did discover that if there is no cable plugged into the wiikey it will error out so at least some of the parts or the FFC cable is necessary for proper operation.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Ok it looks like the issue is from the thickness of the FFC cables, the connector on the FPGA side of the wiikey is different from the SD card slot side, the FPGA side looks to be a little cheaper and just doesn't like the other FFC. I theorize that you can replace the FFC cable with wires but you must keep the resistors on the other end. Mega might swoop in a tell me another secret discrediting that theory. I might test that one sometime but it's very rare that you would lose the FFC cable unless you were moving the project around while working on it.

Another interesting thing I found out though is that the FFC connector on the SD card side of my other wiikey fusion slot is different from the one I took apart. The good news is that the footprint appears the same. You know just in case you transfer the parts from a wiikey fusion with a different board. That will probably never be relevant though with how rare wiikey's are now...

Just buy a wasp and avoid the mess.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

bentomo said:
Mega might swoop in a tell me another secret discrediting that theory.

the cardslots are an exact pinout...
its the FPGA to the FFC connector that have a different pinout on WASP and WKF.

if you follow that pinout you will notice the FFC connector goes to the FPGA pins in a reverse order between the two modchips. If you compare the FFC cable from WASP vs WKF you will notice the WKF cable is reversed with one end of pins down and the other end of pins up..

This is why you must utilize the FFC cable type of the target host modchip.
the FFC cable corrects the differences.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Wow I didn't even notice that, thank you for pointing that out Mega. So it looks like the wasp you can solder a 1:1 on a wasp then since the FFC isn't flipped, at least I'll have to try that at some point. Still not a real reason to do it unless you find a way to lose the cable.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Butbam I allowd to solder to the wiikey fusion?, i lost the sd module and fcc connector
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Yes, if you have a wasp you should be able to do a one to one wire job, it will be much easier to solder if you have removed the FFC connector though. You'll just need an SD card inserted so that the wasp doesn't error out from having no SD card inserted.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

They're the exact same thing as Bentomo said in his first post, also it says on their
website that they're just a clone of the wiikey.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Yes but like mega said the pinout is reversed on the wiikey.
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

On a wasp pin 1 is on the bottom of the wasp side FFC connector, which is DAT2

On a wiikey, pin 1 is on the top, which unfortunately isn't labeled here, but is DAT2
Re: WiiKey/Wasp Fusion SD card Slot Schematic and Wiring

Ok thank you so much for clarification. didn't want to mess up my wiikey or sdcard.