Voice acting in Zelda?


Frequent Poster
Should there be voice acting in Zelda? An IGN article got me thinking about it. At first I was like "no effing way, i like grunts and moans." But then i started imaging some moody, in depth dialog. Imagining Link going around listening to the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed up stories around town doesn't sound quite so bad. Hearing about all the dreadful things going on (thinking of Majoras Mask of course).

And then theres Link. Heck NO. But, what would link be like IF he did talk? I love this. Watched all 5 of them.

So, in short. Zelda could really benefit from voice acting IF the voice acting is thoughtful, subtle, and contributes to the mood of the game and emotionally invests the player in the story.
If Nintendo added voice acting to Zelda you could be guaranteed they'd do it right. They'd risk too much to not do it right.

I'd be interested in having it included, but honestly, I like the idea of Link as a silent protagonist. Keeps that air of mystery, I guess, kinda like Gordon Freeman, except with magic and swords.
Twilight Wolf said:
If Nintendo added voice acting to Zelda you could be guaranteed they'd do it right. They'd risk too much to not do it right.

I'd be interested in having it included, but honestly, I like the idea of Link as a silent protagonist. Keeps that air of mystery, I guess, kinda like Gordon Freeman, except with magic and swords.

I thought of Freeman first too. It's implied that Link does talk though. I think it'd be cool if NPC's talked, but Link himself talking....meh.

I can imagine link doing small talk and such. But not throughout any big cutscene or anything.

Heck, when they got Mario to talk for like three minutes straight with that Olympics speech thing, I wanted to block my ears.
Twilight Wolf said:
If Nintendo added voice acting to Zelda you could be guaranteed they'd do it right. They'd risk too much to not do it right.
Nintendo, in this day and age? Doing something right?
You never talked in pokemon and it made it great
But then they screwed up and made black version with gurdurr (A guy who holds a piece of girder), and chandelur (who looks like a chandelier). And a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing icecream cone as a pokemon.

So I think theyll screw it up if they do it
I don't think voice acting fits the atmosphere of the Zelda universe. The plot is very serious, but the atmosphere is very light-hearted. The would clash mightily, I think, when it comes to voice-acting.
It could work, but I also think if they were going to make Link speak, it probably would have been better to do it when the series went 3D than now (at least via text). Anyway, I basically agree with T_W. Its not really necessary, but if Nintendo decides to do it to further the series, I doubt they'd do a bad implementation considering the people making the project.

Mako321 said:
Nintendo, in this day and age? Doing something right?
You're just still mad about Other M and how they didn't do anything for Metroid's anniversary. :P
Zero said:
It could work, but I also think if they were going to make Link speak, it probably would have been better to do it when the series went 3D than now (at least via text). Anyway, I basically agree with T_W. Its not really necessary, but if Nintendo decides to do it to further the series, I doubt they'd do a bad implementation considering the people making the project.

Mako321 said:
Nintendo, in this day and age? Doing something right?
You're just still mad about Other M and how they didn't do anything for Metroid's anniversary. :P
I was actually talking about the 3DS and Wii-u, but okay. :P
Mako321 said:
I was actually talking about the 3DS and Wii-u, but okay. :P

The 3DS, I give you that. but the WiiU isn't even out yet :stare:

Anyway, Link should not talk, I don't think. No matter how I good the voice acting for the protagonist is, it will always be met very harshly for no reason other than it gave the protagonist an actual character (see: Other M).

I personally liked how WW handled it. Wasn't really voice acting, but the little recordings played at the beginning of a character's dialogue was nice and added enough to the game without taking away like true voice acting would, in my opinion.
IMO wiiu's biggest weakness will be developers not pushing the hardware's capabilities. It's highly capable, and yet some devs are saying they won't make the graphics any better for the wiiu than the 360 and ps3 counterparts. I reckon this will wager a big blow to the appeal of the console. Although this may just be their initial impressions, as the dev hardware is currently underclocked. The other thing I'm worried about is another generation of gimmick games, as we have seen with the DS, and the wii likewise.
I seriously cannot see WiiU being hardcore at all. And as for all the "hardcore" studios Nintendo is hoping to win over? I don't see it happening. Not in full commitment anyways (meaning watered down WiiU versions of games). I love Ninty, but I am not convinced of the WiiU.

Sidenote, why are most of the anniversaries being ignored!??!?! :gonk:
I don't mind voice acting for every character that isnt Link, just make up some silly backstory like he got his voicebox removed, anything.
NTerror7 said:
Mako321 said:
I was actually talking about the 3DS and Wii-u, but okay. :P

The 3DS, I give you that. but the WiiU isn't even out yet :stare:
If the Wii-U only has support for one screen controller at a time at launch, it'll be a flop in my opinion.
Mako321 said:
NTerror7 said:
Mako321 said:
I was actually talking about the 3DS and Wii-u, but okay. :P

The 3DS, I give you that. but the WiiU isn't even out yet :stare:
If the Wii-U only has support for one screen controller at a time at launch, it'll be a flop in my opinion.
Firstly, the system can technically support more than one, but the more screens the system streams to, the bigger the performance hit. They aren't tablets, mako. They're a WVI.

Secondly, the new controller is not the main controller. The wiimote is still the main controller. So how does that make it a flop?
The only thing that made the Wii-U remotely interesting was having 4 controllers going at once, which it obviously can't do anymore. It's just a Wii HD, I don't see much of a difference between it and other consoles.
Mako321 said:
The only thing that made the Wii-U remotely interesting was having 4 controllers going at once, which it obviously can't do anymore. It's just a Wii HD, I don't see much of a difference between it and other consoles.
You're such a troll x3
Since when was the system able to use four at once? When did Nintendo tell you this?

To my knowledge, the system can stream to as many controllers as needed, but each controller will hit the performance dramatically.

And the reason the games look equivalent to other consoles is that they are footage from other consoles. The dev hardware is underclocked.
Before they announced that it'd be 1 controller at a time, there were a lot of great uses for the thing.
Now, it's just a consolized DS with no local play options.