Unreal Tournament 3 Xbox 360 issues


Active Member
I just got unreal tournament 3 for xbox 360. I played through chaper 1 and most of 2 and had to get off for awhile. When I came back my save game was gone and I had to start from begining. When I completed chapter 1 it said saving at the top right corner, but when I checked my hard drive for save file it was not where to be found. I then attempted to reload the game and again my save was missing on the game. Had to start from start again. Anyone know why this is happening or how I can make this game save? Any help would be great thanks.

Just edited another answerd post to keep from starting to many. Thanks for any help.
Re: Crusin USA Wii VC Problems HELP

Well you could open up your controller and touch all three contacts together at once :lol:
Re: Crusin USA Wii VC Problems HELP

Way back when I first joined ben heck, I asked about turning the gamecube c-stick into buttons, and someone drew me out a diagram on how to do it, but he also warned that pressing down both directions on the same axis could potentially fry your controller and maybe even your system. So, I'd say you may not want to do what snowpenguin said. Not so sure about how the microcontroller thing would handle the c-buttons when attempting to do both of the same axis' buttons.

I'm guessing you're probably just out of luck on this one unless you can map a c-button to the x/y buttons.
Re: Crusin USA Wii VC Problems HELP

For the 3 extra cars: X + Down-Left C-Stick

For the 3 selectable maps: ZL/ZR + (rotate C-Stick around for desired stuff)

Re: Crusin USA Wii VC Problems HELP

Basement_Modder said:
Well, we all look like idiots now :lol:
not I.

Grossaffe said:
I'm guessing you're probably just out of luck on this one unless you can map a c-button to the x/y buttons.

as it turns out, c-buttons were mapped out to the x/y buttons. I is not :dah:
Re: Crusin USA Wii VC Problems HELP

grossaffe said:
Way back when I first joined ben heck, I asked about turning the gamecube c-stick into buttons, and someone drew me out a diagram on how to do it, but he also warned that pressing down both directions on the same axis could potentially fry your controller and maybe even your system. So, I'd say you may not want to do what snowpenguin said. Not so sure about how the microcontroller thing would handle the c-buttons when attempting to do both of the same axis' buttons.

I'm guessing you're probably just out of luck on this one unless you can map a c-button to the x/y buttons.
There are fuses on the board and controller to prevent this :awesome:
just for future reference, we have no problem with you starting a new thread for a new issue.
XCVG said:
Wait, you have an XBOX 360 and a Wii? You, my friend, are rich.
I paid as much for both as most pay for a ps3 so no i am not rich.

grossaffe said:
just for future reference, we have no problem with you starting a new thread for a new issue.
I'm sorry. I know on Ben Heck they freak out when you open new threads.
samjc3 said:
Hifeno said:
XCVG said:
Wait, you have an XBOX 360 and a Wii? You, my friend, are rich.
I paid as much for both as most pay for a ps3 so no i am not rich.
you can buy all three for less than 800$. you dont need to be rich. :dahroll:

That's still a lot of money. Moreover, you don't just buy the console. You have to buy games, extra controllers, sometimes things like a live subscription or HDMI cables. Plus all three have an online store to waste money in I think.
XCVG said:
That's still a lot of money. Moreover, you don't just buy the console. You have to buy games, extra controllers, sometimes things like a live subscription or HDMI cables. Plus all three have an online store to waste money in I think.

That's why I buy the hardware, and then just pirate all the software.

I own a Xbox 360 Elite and a Wii. 90% of my Wii games are "backups" while the 5 Games I own for Xbox 360 are legit. The only games that I play on Xbox 360 are the ones in my signature :P

Did I mention I play all these on my brand new $1100 TV?

[sarcasm]I guess I'm just so rich.[/sarcasm]