I probably should have specified, the top half with the screen is still a huge WIP. I'm going to be adjusting and stuff as time goes on and I find the right hinges and I'm obviously going to have a wire running up to the top. As for the analogs, I'm going to be some steel series analogs dl that are sunk into the case a bit so they'll only be a MM or so taller than slider would be and the screen will be sunk into the top part to to combat this. I was also going to have the heatsink a few MM away from the controller portion so that they were not directly touching so the heat would be even spread. I was also considering having secondary fans if it's still too warm. I also have draw out several diagram of where everything will be placed on paper and it will all fit. I just didn't upload any because they didn't seem necessary and they're pretty ugly. The only point of yours that I haven't really prepared for was the batteries acting as a heatsink. I was considering having a piece of material that will prevent heat transfer between the board and the batteries.