Brick Castle Bowser GameCube

Here is my Castle Bowser GameCube :D I installed red LEDs, (they look washed out in the picture, but they're really bright red and match Bowser). I used Bondo Glazing and Spot Putty and a toothpick to give it a brick texture. Then I spray painted it grey, then used spray paint on a paper towel to add two more grey tones.

For the top circle, I painted it red, then printed out the picture I wanted it to have on label making paper (basically just a giant sticker). I put clear tape over the design do the paint wouldn't leak through, and then I cut out the design and stuck it on the red after it was dry. I painted it black, then peeled the "sticker" off, so the parts underneath it were left red. After I let it dry, I clear coated it.

The weight of the brick and paint on top of the lid made it open slowly, so I removed the little gear inside that makes the lid open slowly. It opens pretty fast now, but doesn't bounce back like it would without the weight on top, so it's barely noticeable.

For the faceplate, I painted it black from the front, then painted it red from the back so that only the controller ports would be red.

I used 5mm LEDs. I also installed a xenogc modchip so it can play burned games. Those little wings underneath the airflow vents I sanded off with a dremel.







I just lost a lot of respect for you when I found out that you like Coke Zero. :P

This is fantastic, though. Great job on the brick texture.
I just lost a lot of respect for you when I found out that you like Coke Zero. :p

This is fantastic, though. Great job on the brick texture.
Lol thanks :) I am really happy with the bondo effect, and plan to do a matching gameboy at some point. I have done quite a few paint jobs, but I really want to get more into depth with texturing and make things more 3d.