The Official Leaving/Returning Members Thread

Dunno if anyone noticed, but I've been on vacation for a little over a week now with little to no internet, which is why I've been so quiet. I'm back now, and got some much needed R&R. Work/projects will resume momentarily. If you PM'd me over the past week or so expect a reply in the next day or so while I catch up. Thanks for being patient. :D

Also, I leveled up while away:

I got bonus points for the blood drop right dead center in the triforce. :D
Been in France for two weeks and now stuck in an internetless flat housesitting puppies for two weeks. Hope you're not missing me too much.
I'm thinking about just the regular Hylian crest on the other leg in the same area, might be overkill though. I dunno. Now that I've got my first out of the way, I've got lots of ideas for the next few. All vidja game related, of course. :D
I've returned, sort of. Mostly because I'm curious what you guys are doing again, and partly because I want to start doing something, maybe.
I sorta dropped out of the community after everyone left benheck and moved here. Well its been 5 years and I really miss the community and the discussions so I'm back and (hopefully) here to stay!

I know I wasn't a hugely active, or knowledgeable member back on benheck (username- xtrmgam3r360), but I've grown up and learned a lot since then, so hopefully I can help contribute more now. Hopefully some of the old crew is still around!
chocoboy said:
I sorta dropped out of the community after everyone left benheck and moved here. Well its been 5 years and I really miss the community and the discussions so I'm back and (hopefully) here to stay!

I know I wasn't a hugely active, or knowledgeable member back on benheck (username- xtrmgam3r360), but I've grown up and learned a lot since then, so hopefully I can help contribute more now. Hopefully some of the old crew is still around!
Good to see people getting back into it. What have you been getting into since you left?
Just life really. I was a freshman in highschool last time I actually posted anything, though I've poked around the forums (both here and benheck) a few times since then. I'm now a sophomore studying IT-Management with a business administration minor, so that is definitely keeping me busy. Other than that, just work, relaxing, and of course gaming. :D I'm not into modding as much as I was, but I do like DIY electronics repair and building computers (though my girlfriend would like to point out that hers is better :? ). I really just missed the community, especially since I go to MGC every year and don't remember most of the people there anymore.

So while I still mostly lurk (just my personality I guess), I do plan on getting more involved on here. And thank you for the welcome!
I'm back, this time with significantly more funding to actually do projects (maybe) and all sorts of espionage. Maybe buy some of my hoarded game consoles? :3
So yeah, if anyone was wondering, I'm not dead.

I've been without stable home internet/a desktop for about 1.5 months, on account of me moving and the hassles that brings, but I finally got around to hooking up my desktop on the kitchen table as a temporary solution until I get a new desk.

Now it's time to look at everything I missed. If anyone needs anything urgent done, PM me.
I am also not dead.

I have two jobs now. Wish I could say I've been having some adventures, but... not really. I haven't advanced at all at my EMS agency despite my best efforts, so while I wait to get an ambulance job, I took another job at Sears. It makes me money and it's not horrible, so I can't complain too much. Might try to move over to Guitar Center after the holidays.

Exciting times. Yep.
The video took a while to show up so I was expecting this:

I dunno, though, better than the same five Christmas songs all day erry day :v