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I wanted to see how all three 3.5" screens on the market stacked up. So I bought them and tested them out.
These are the three I got :
Now just a few notes before I continue.
We are going to label them for reference:
1. Flip Out 3.5"
2. Widescreen 3.5" (it's not but it looks like it is)
3. 3.5" with air fins.
1. Costs $49.89 shipped on Ebay
2. Costs $29.99 shipped on Ebay
3. Costs $29.99 shipped on Ebay
#1 has antiglare on it. #2 1nd #3 are glossy and have a good amount of glare.
Now I hooked them all up together to see what they look like running side by side :
First thing you will notice is that #2 is brightest and #1 is dimmest. The antiglare would be the reason #1 is the dimmest.
You will also notice #1 and #3 have cooler colors and #2 is warmer. This means that whites are more yellow on #1 and #3 and whites are more blue on #2.
This is evident on these pics:
Also even though #2 is brightest , it actually has the worst viewing angle. From the top it is washed out and from the sides it starts to darken quicker than the others :
Now to show you the contrast. #1 actually IMO has the better contrast and more realistic colors as seen in dark scenes.
Now for some insides pics and measurements.
These are the three I got :
Now just a few notes before I continue.
We are going to label them for reference:
1. Flip Out 3.5"
2. Widescreen 3.5" (it's not but it looks like it is)
3. 3.5" with air fins.
1. Costs $49.89 shipped on Ebay
2. Costs $29.99 shipped on Ebay
3. Costs $29.99 shipped on Ebay
#1 has antiglare on it. #2 1nd #3 are glossy and have a good amount of glare.
Now I hooked them all up together to see what they look like running side by side :
First thing you will notice is that #2 is brightest and #1 is dimmest. The antiglare would be the reason #1 is the dimmest.
You will also notice #1 and #3 have cooler colors and #2 is warmer. This means that whites are more yellow on #1 and #3 and whites are more blue on #2.
This is evident on these pics:
Also even though #2 is brightest , it actually has the worst viewing angle. From the top it is washed out and from the sides it starts to darken quicker than the others :
Now to show you the contrast. #1 actually IMO has the better contrast and more realistic colors as seen in dark scenes.
Now for some insides pics and measurements.