ModRetro Legend
I figured we have a stickied friend code thread, but nothing for anything else. So, post your Steam ID, PSN whatever, Live something-or-other, friend codes, and any other ones you would like to share. I'll start.
Steam: XTChrisTX
PSN: N/A (no PS3)
Live: N/A (no 360)
Wii Friend Codes: N/A (no Wii either!)
DS Friend Codes: None
Red Alert 3: xtchristx
Battlefield 2: XTChrisTX
All I can think of right now. I know this thread seems semi-redundant, but I'm hoping this one will grow alongside and eventually supersede the friend codes thread.
Steam: XTChrisTX
PSN: N/A (no PS3)
Live: N/A (no 360)
Wii Friend Codes: N/A (no Wii either!)
DS Friend Codes: None
Red Alert 3: xtchristx
Battlefield 2: XTChrisTX
All I can think of right now. I know this thread seems semi-redundant, but I'm hoping this one will grow alongside and eventually supersede the friend codes thread.