The 0wnage 64 Worklog

Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Well, I'm home from school, got my homework done, and I'm ready to finish my Cartridge slot re-location!
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

:wtf: Wow. My Soldering Iron broke. Like as in the tip fell off. Well, it was old. Like 10 years old. Since tomorrow is Friday, (Wew, the weekend!) I will go out and get a new one. I only have a few pins to solder to, so not that much left for my Cartridge Slot.
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Help! Alright, I found a different soldering iron, and finished my Cartridge slot re-location. I powered the n64 on, and Nothing! The LED won't even go on. It flashed on for a second, then BAM! It died. Did I fry it? :shock:
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

It might just have shorted. Check for bad solder joints, Accidentally bridging, etc...
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

if your running it from batteries it might be the pcb turning on if from wall power make sure a jumperpak or expansion pak is in and it is in the right way the wall power plug will die or go into sleep mode when jumper pak is in backwards or if there is a short worst case scenario youve fried your n64
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Well guys, I am going to redo the entire cartridge slot re-location just to be safe. I don't think the board is fried, but I'm going with my gut feeling.
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Ok, I just won a Zenith screen on ebay, so that should come soon. I am also going to buy a desoldering pump tool, so then we will have some progress.
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Anyone have a link on how to "build" a controller? It's about the only thing I don't know how to do. :wtf:
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

N64 is fried, don't worry. I'm not going to quit making this portable until it's finished and working. I'm going to order another 64, and hopfully by then, my 100 tact switches come. Then, all I need are some batteries.
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

did you do the rcp test to see if its fried?

turn the console on without a game and put your finger on the rcp if it gets pretty hot in 30 seconds then its most definately fried
Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable!

Yes, it's fried. I already took the useful items off, for my next portable, which I plan to do around Christmas. I get a two and half week break then, so it should be enough time to at least get some done.
Re: 0wnage Modz's Portable N64, the 0wnage 64!!!

Really? My Chistmas break is only 23rd thru 1st. The school gods are not very jolly this year...T_T
Re: 0wnage Modz's Portable N64, the 0wnage 64!!!

i always get 2 weeks. the rcp test for me has been proven twice. it definately works.