That Thar Wiki Thar


Frequent Poster
Ok, so I just spent a while getting rid of spam, making articles look nice, and other misc crap on the wiki.

And I am starting to wonder:

Will anybody ever contribute to the Wiki?
Is the wiki going to get shut down?
Will editing be made a Registered User Privilege only? (It needs to be because I am tired of spam)
And most importantly:

Will anybody ever use the Wiki?

I want answers.

Also: If the wiki isn't going to be shut down and will eventually get used, may I please be a Wiki Admin so I can clean that place up some more?
I use the wiki once in a while, so I hope it doesn't go anywhere. Also, it definitely needs someone to check on it once in a while.
Palmer says he's gonna get rid of the wiki, and find a better alternative.
You know what we need to do? Go find all the stickies on BH and here and stick them in there.

Actually, now that I think about it, just a giant list of stickies would be much, much better. I wouldn't mind making that.

On the wiki, you have to add the images manually, and it's kinda bleh.

Palmer, I propose a global announcement of a topic that just has a list of all the BH and MR stickies. I'll even put it together. :)
i went to the wiki looking for some stuff but theres just spam.. someone needs to clean that stuff up :p then maybe people would use it more..
I like the plan Mario has. However, for now, wait a bit longer. I am trying to get a PHPBB mod installed that will essentially integrate an easier to edit, view, and contribute to version of the wiki, built right into the forums.
Mario said:
You know what we need to do? Go find all the stickies on BH and here and stick them in there.

Actually, now that I think about it, just a giant list of stickies would be much, much better. I wouldn't mind making that.

On the wiki, you have to add the images manually, and it's kinda bleh.

Palmer, I propose a global announcement of a topic that just has a list of all the BH and MR stickies. I'll even put it together. :)

I see no need for a list of stickies. Stickies are easily accessible as they are. I like the way robm does it, Megastickies and everything new gets added. Then everything will be in one sticky, and no need for a wiki either.
I think a wiki with all the info from bh and mr stickies would be great. It would be like a group project between the two sites.
J.D said:

It would only be Chaos is dumb*Can'tSayThisOnTV*s like:
Gamemasta, Kurt, Other Benheckfags
You, Snowpenguin, and other people who say stuff about things they dont know about
...Get in the way.

Not pointing fingers here, but that always seems to happen.
Well, actually I am pointing fingers, so sue me.
I think if you're going to do that, you might as well *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing merge the two sites and be done with it.
Spambots just attacked the Wiki.

I'm trying to keep the Info all together for when we do change to something Implemented
Later, when I have some more time, I will rework the wiki articles into either threads or PDF guides. So please don't take it down yet.