Super Hyper RouterPro 3000+ Turbo HD Rebirth 2: The Revenge


Frequent Poster
So, I have about 5 802.11g Wi-Fi router boards lying around from which the cases were stolen for other uses. All of them work, however!

What to do?

I present to you the Super Hyper RouterPro 3000+ Turbo HD Rebirth 2: The Revenge! Yours for the price of shipping!



Dem status lights

βeta said:
That is pretty awesome. I should take you up on that, I have one of these.

That's just an airport base station... take a non ridiculously priced router!
you should ship it just like that. put the antenna inside the box, if there's room, and cover the ports with cardboard and duct tape. I'd like one of those, but I cant even afford shipping as of right now. maybe if you have one left in a week?
i want your interwebs. im stuck with 1.4mbps down peak.

i also feel like putting every electronic device in my home into a custom cut cardboard case. including my 360. and computer. and ps3. and TV. and phone. thats just AWESOME.