Re: Phantom92Opera's trade: out of hospital update
happy thanksgiving everyone, wow do i have alot to be thankful for, sorry i didn't reply to anybody immediately (I just got out of the hospital, yay unexpected brain surgery)
alot of the stuff up here is available along with many system mobos which I can guarantee safe delivery and shipment of, Somebody else is typing this one up for me because my dexterity was effectede by the operation but hey life throws curveballs so I wont b modding or soldering for a bit. any and all finances you'd like to exchange for these goods are fine by me. I believe I have multiple genny 2 boards, a 7800 a 2600 and a snes mini lying around along with all my progress and stuff from my NES P Project, somebody could hijack that for 100 bucks, i'd throw in the custom case too!)