I'm looking to get a new MP3 player (or music player, if anyone considers MP3 an inferior codec). I've had a 512 MB 1st Gen Ipod Shuffle for a good while now, but I wanna get something newer.
I'd like something with at least 8 gigs of space, and supports multiple audio and video codecs. Just looking for something to keep me busy during my lunch break, otherwise I'd just take my netbook with me.
I need your 'pinions (and links if you can give 'em, plox), forums buddehs.
I'd like something with at least 8 gigs of space, and supports multiple audio and video codecs. Just looking for something to keep me busy during my lunch break, otherwise I'd just take my netbook with me.
I need your 'pinions (and links if you can give 'em, plox), forums buddehs.