3DS or a netbook?

Twilight Wolf said:
Show me one I can get for $200 at a retail store and I'll eat my hat.
I'm just saying that if I couldn't get one with one of 'em, I'd rather not waste my money on a netbook that sucks.
That's the thing, though- - so far it doesn't suck. Far from it, in fact. After removing some of the bloatware it starts up to a usable state considerably faster than my desktop, and in actual use it does everything I hoped it would quite well. I didn't buy a netbook for gaming or anything so the current hardware is perfectly sufficient for my needs. Battery life seems awesome as well. For what money I paid for it I feel pretty good about it thus far.
Learn to read -- I said it starts up faster. My desktop is of course far faster in most other regards but this netbook boots up to a usable state in around 30 seconds. With my desktop it's like it has to have a few cups of coffee and scratch its ass a few times before it cooperates with me. Takes two or three minutes. Then again this netbook is brand-new and my desktop has been used for over a year and a half now.

Also, posting from my math classroom on school wifi. Heck yeah.
Just a tip, not trying to convert you or anything, but...

Since you won't be doing any serious gaming on that thing, and want it to run as fast as possible, maybe you should try running a Linux Distro on it? Maybe something like Xubuntu, lightweight but easy to navigate. It would have all of the apps you need, while also booting and running quicker.

Or, if you are feeling really minimalist, you could try Chrome OS.
No. Just no.

Don't bother with Linux on netbooks. It's not really faster once you get enough crap installed to have a full desktop that takes advantage of all the available hardware and power management technologies. You're better off minimizing the number of programs you force Windows to load on boot; you get the "faster" "lightweight" experience but you know any software you ever want to run on it will work properly.

Don't even get me started on ChromeOS. :roll:

It's definitely worth stuffing the little thing with as much RAM as it can handle though. If it only has 1 gig, a 2 gig stick will really wake it up. (My x100e has 4 gigs total, and it boots Win7 Home Premium faster than my HP dv5000 boots XP MCE.)
bic said:
No. Just no.

Don't bother with Linux on netbooks. It's not "faster" or more "lightweight" once you get enough crap installed to have a full desktop that takes advantage of all the available hardware and power management technologies. You're better off minimizing the number of programs you force Windows to load on boot. Upgrade the RAM first though. If it only has 1 gig, a 2 gig stick will really wake it up. (My x100e has 4 gigs total, and it boots Win7 Home Premium faster than my HP dv5000 boots XP MCE.)

Don't even get me started on ChromeOS. :roll:

He's not looking for a "Full desktop", afaik. He already has a Full Desktop. He's using this netbook for college work and stuff. Simple tasks.

And yes, it is faster and more lightweight. Linux uses the ext file system and swap for memory, both of which are significantly faster than NTSF and Pagefile.
If you actually KNOW how to use Linux properly, it will run faster than any Windows machine with the same specs.

And it was just a suggestion. Don't bring your Linux-Hate flax here. I didn't diss Windows, I just made a friendly suggestion.
Main reason I don't want to get rid of Windows: Steam. I like being able to talk to Steam friends when I'm not at home. I can't do that on Linux. Even using Wine on my laptop it's unusably slow, but on this thing with Windows 7 Starter it works pretty well.I also like having IM clients like AIM or Messenger that I can use natively. It's a suggestion I'll keep in mind nonetheless, though, Afro.
Linux uses the ext file system and swap for memory, both of which are significantly faster than NTSF and Pagefile.

The swap partition is no different than a page file of a fixed size. There's no appreciable difference between NTFS and EXT3 on a desktop not-server.

And real memory is far superior to both paging solutions. :awesome:

I didn't diss Windows, I just made a friendly suggestion.

Sorry, it just irks me when someone comes into an "I got a new computer" thread to preach the GNU/Gospel. I know that's not what your post was for, but... rrgh.

e: Besides, we all know what the most superior operating system of all time is. :awesome: