Suggestions on a good MP3 Player?


I'm looking to get a new MP3 player (or music player, if anyone considers MP3 an inferior codec). I've had a 512 MB 1st Gen Ipod Shuffle for a good while now, but I wanna get something newer.

I'd like something with at least 8 gigs of space, and supports multiple audio and video codecs. Just looking for something to keep me busy during my lunch break, otherwise I'd just take my netbook with me.

I need your 'pinions (and links if you can give 'em, plox), forums buddehs.
Get a good cellphone.

Pretty much any decent Android will do what you want and more, same for iPhone.
Not looking to replace your phone? iPod Touch.
i would get like a used ipod nano or something else. rich kids always have extra ipods theyr willing to sell/trade
I think he's looking for something simpler, jlee.

I'd say Sansa Fuze because that's what I have and it was cheap, but video support is kind of sucky. It is Rockbox-able, though. Used iPod Nano is a decent suggestion, new iPods are a ripoff. I don't know if Creative even makes players anymore. Zune sucks from what I've heard, and I doubt you're looking for a generic cheapy.
The video support on the Sansa Fuze is more than "kind of sucky"... But, it's pretty simple to use, has radio and micro-sdhc expansion, and is rather small/light. Also, if you're interested I am willing to sell my red 4gb one, as I don't ever use it.
Adding my vote for the Sansa Fuze. Audio quality is as good as a 3rd gen iPod Nano, it has an FM radio, can record off the mono microphone and stereo off the radio, and can take any MicroSDHC card if 8 gigs of space isn't enough for you.

ttsgeb said:
The video support on the Sansa Fuze is more than "kind of sucky"...

I have one of these and it's only sucky if you just throw raw video files on it like a goof. Run your videos through the free Video4Fuze tool, which spits out appropriately sized and formatted XviD/MP3 .AVI files for it. The transcoded video files take up much less space than the original files, too. :awesome: The Fuze's screen resolution isn't as good as the 3G Nano, but it's still very sharp considering the screen size.
I was referring to using the software it came with. That software turned me off from video on the thing quick enough for me to not look up alternatives. Of course, I was also running it on a 733mhz computer with 128mb of ram... in 2009...
I never even installed the software it came with. Just treat it like a USB mass storage device. :awesome:
Regardless, I've stopped using mine, so if you go with it, I could sell you a red, slightly used fuze, with original packaging. PM if your interested.
Ipod and Zune are obviously leading the mp3 market, and for good reason. Just like with all great technology, the field is split in two and arguments are thrown back and forth as to which is better. I prefer Ipod. It's a great music player with a great interface. Easy to navigate via the click wheel. Also, iTunes is pretty good at managing all your music/playlists/videos/etc.

iPods are overrated IMO. And saying that Zune is the main competitor is a pretty ignorant statement. A more accurate representation would be iPod on one side and everything else on the other.

There are a zillion options, some of which are better than others. It depends what you want and need from a player. Creative used to have a significant share in the market, but I haven't even seen a Zen in AGES. Sansa players are decent entry-level players. And if Archos ever gets their flax together, those Android players will be awesome.
I do kinda like that Sanza Fuze, it'd probably fit my needs fine. Around how much were you looking to part with it for, Tim?
I'm Thinking around $20 + Shipping. Considering I have a receipt here for $81.81 on March 2 2009, and it's not absolutely perfect cosmetically.

But I'll give you a more direct answer once I find the Dang thing. I mean, I just saw it the other day, wtf. I found the 2 year old packaging in like 30 seconds, but I can't find the actual thing. RAGE

This is what I get for not expecting to actually sell things, isn't it?
Hehe, I can give you $30 shipped once you find it, bro. Just give me a PM and I can pay ya.
XCVG, Zune's don't suck. I don't know who you've heard that from, but everyone I know that has one loves it (at one point, a surprising amount of people in my school). I used to have a Zune 30gb, and loved it. However, when it comes to having something for games/apps as well as music, I'd recommend an Ipod Touch or something with Android over a Zune HD.

Really though, if you just take Jelly's advice and get a nice phone, it'll do all that for you and more.
I personally like having my music separate from my phone. No idea why. So I have my Android and my iPod Classic 80gig. They both go everywhere with me.
Another vote for Sansa, but not necessarily the fuze. The E280 (v2 is better, but v1 will do) is another rockboxable choice.

I don't have experience with the fuze, but my understanding is that its very similar to the e200 series.

With the e200 V1, it supports only microSD through the original firmware, but rockbox supports MicroSDHC. The e200 V2 supports MicroSDHC regardless of rockbox status (but really, you should get it rockboxed 'cause its awesome).

the gameboy emulator and various other games preinstalled makes for some nice entertainment when you find yourself stuck somewhere with time to kill.

Jelly also brings up a good point, though, that an Android phone may be a better solution. Its an awesome phone, plays your music, and will be better for gaming and video as well.
Ishmael1010 said:
I personally like having my music separate from my phone. No idea why. So I have my Android and my iPod Classic 80gig. They both go everywhere with me.

Yea, I have a few friends that do that too. Its better for people who like having all or a lot of their music on them at once, without having to carry different sd cards for your phone and what not. Personally I'm fine with using what's available on my android phone and then swapping albums out every once in a while, but a lot of people don't like doing that. One of my friends has a 160gb classic and still ends up swapping out music though. :p
I like having my el cheapo phone plan, though. If I buy an android phone (especially one with any decent amount of onboard memory), I'll have to get a data plan, which adds about $30 to my plan.

I'm slowly starting to lose touch with today's tech, I know nothing about mp3 players, phones, or computers. Soon I'll end up just like all your parents! :gonk: