
Should we throw every single Dang project to its respective sticky?

  • Kittens

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Nope

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Yep

    Votes: 19 55.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Billy Mays
Staff member
Alright, I've had a few people PM me, asking me to stickify their projects. As most people here should know, current direction on stickies is that if there's nothing revolutionary or new about a finished project, it belongs in the finished projects section.

However, I would be interested in hearing from the community on what they think.

It should be stickied as long as it is not totally trivial. No point in the megastickies if they are incomplete IMO.
When your browsing around the megastikies, It's really cool to see everyone's portables, especially when designing your own. This is way you can find peoples projects and get info from them (By looking at the way they mounted the controls for example). Also, It's great to have the info on the top. If theres some info about n64 trimming or something, It's great to have it there. BUT its probably a lot of work for the mods to do.

- mymixed
If the staff are willing to put in the massive amount of effort needed to do this, then I'm all for it.
What about a wiki with a list of everything? Then people can just add their own.
Well, we had a wiki, but failed epically due to a few different reasons.
If it fits the proper criteria then it should be stickied. I think a "request for sticky" thread would work so that everyone gets their projects added.
I think they could be stickied, but there must be organization. Otherwise, absolutely not.
When a noob comes asking a ridiculous question or asking how to make a portable, everyone always says to read all the stickies. If the stickies aren't complete, then they won't get all the help that they might need. The more projects you see, the better you can plan on making yours. I think that having projects stickied is really helpful, and honestly how long does it take to copy and paste a link into a post?
Why not have a "Completed projects" sticky at the top of every forum, and people can post a picture, a brief description, and a link to their build log? (No discussion, those who discuss in the completed project list are subject to capital punishment.) It's effectively the same result, but with pictures and it doesn't put the burden of upkeep solely on the staff.
bic said:
Why not have a "Completed projects" sticky at the top of every forum, and people can post a picture, a brief description, and a link to their build log? (No discussion, those who discuss in the completed project list are subject to capital punishment.) It's effectively the same result, but with pictures and it doesn't put the burden of upkeep solely on the staff.

Hey that seems kinda familiar...
robm said:
...current direction on stickies is that if there's nothing revolutionary or new about a finished project, it belongs in the finished projects section.

I thought that when you finished a project, you post an announcement topic in the finished projects forum(usually with a link to the worklog), then the link to said topic is added to the "finished projects" post in the respective megasticky.

I don't mind regularly adding stuff to the stickies, people should be PM'ing me instead of robm, because robm has better things to do, I'm not saying I don't, I'm just more apt to be on MR every Dang day.

robm said:
Well, we had a wiki, but failed epically due to a few different reasons.
Reason 1: XCVG was one of the only major contributors/ users.
Reason 2: Everything in it was also on wikipedia and in the forums
Reason 3: MBB people spammed it like a little Sega
I think project threads should be stickied under certain conditions, i.e. you have some pictures (many projects are forever "pics tomorrow"), you update it every so often (at least once a week if possible), etc.