Frequent Poster
So I was thinking that while I love my printer, it's not always in use. And why not share awesome prints with those of modretro?
So, would people be interested in me making a 3D print commissioning thread in the junkyard. Essentially people can pm me their STLs and I can give them an estimate for the print. I'm not looking to make a huge profit, just enough to make back the cost of the printer maybe in a couple months.
I'm making this thread to find how many would be genuinely interested and the demand. Do I need to buy more plastic or get an assembly line going etc.
For a whole case prints would probably cost around $40-$50 on average. This covers plastic, potential failed prints, maintenance, time to get the print, and shipping most likely. You would get an exact price before I started the print and you would ok it first.
I'd only being doing this at modretro and SSF because I would get spammed anywhere else and I just want to increase my activity here.
So anyone interested? Thoughts? Worth it? Input is welcome.
So, would people be interested in me making a 3D print commissioning thread in the junkyard. Essentially people can pm me their STLs and I can give them an estimate for the print. I'm not looking to make a huge profit, just enough to make back the cost of the printer maybe in a couple months.
I'm making this thread to find how many would be genuinely interested and the demand. Do I need to buy more plastic or get an assembly line going etc.
For a whole case prints would probably cost around $40-$50 on average. This covers plastic, potential failed prints, maintenance, time to get the print, and shipping most likely. You would get an exact price before I started the print and you would ok it first.
I'd only being doing this at modretro and SSF because I would get spammed anywhere else and I just want to increase my activity here.
So anyone interested? Thoughts? Worth it? Input is welcome.