Steve Jobs

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Well-Known Member

Steve Jobs died today.

I don't really know what to say. It's sad for us to have lost such an influential human being :?
I hate him, but death is death. It's sad to see this guy die, he was suffering for quite a long time. You people had better keep this thread respectful.
Yeah, no matter what you can say about Apple's business practices, you have to respect the guy. Its sad he had to go.
He was a genius. Period.

It's sad to see him go. Many people, including myself, had a lot of respect for him. At least he got about a month to spend with his family and friends.
Pancreatic cancer's a Sega.


Force quit 'Pancreatic Cancer'?


*hard lock*



See ya, Stevie :(

Yeah. His contributions to Apple were huge. Most of the parts of Apple's philosophy that we Sega about, he didn't support anyways (I'm pretty sure).
There is also the unwritten rule of don't speak ill of the dead.

Also, even if Apple products are overly expensive, Steve Jobs is still an innovator, and I still have an ipod :p

robm said:
I am laughing so hard right now.

At Bic, not death.

I cared more when Billy Mays died.
"You're dead, that's good, amen." -scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) from TF2

I'm not going to pretend to give a flax when I don't. Plenty of people die everyday, why focus on one who was rich?
DcMc said:
Yeah he was pretty much a genius. He was the one that founded Pixar too.
"Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Computer Division of Lucasfilm before it was acquired by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in 1986. The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4 billion; the transaction made Jobs the largest shareholder in Disney."
When I saw, iDied. Steve Jobs was my biggest hero. I wish I could have met him.

Why can't bash commands be applied to real life:

Steve-Job's-Life:~ Steve$ said:
killall pancreatic_cancer
ShockSlayer said:
I cared more when Billy Mays died.
"You're dead, that's good, amen." -scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) from TF2

Plenty of people die everyday, why focus on one who was rich?

Plenty of people die everyday. Except they aren't the ones who founded one of the biggest, most creative, and innovative companies on the planet. Maybe a lot of people don't like apple, but you can't dislike Steve. Billy Mays' death ended 30-second long infomercials. Steve Jobs' ended an era.

- mymixed
Even I, a massive Apple hater, will admit that Jobs was directly or indirectly responsible for MANY of the innovations in technology we use today. Even the things they did not create, many of them they popularized. I don't like Apple, but I acknowledge their importance to the computer world.
Okay, sorry, let's herald the rich guy's death and cry for a man who reinvented the palm pilot to have less buttons and less functionality. At least Billy *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Mays sold flax that worked.

Billy Mays' is an oximoron.



no? ok... In reality, they both succeeded very well in life. I have ultimate respect for both of them. To bad steve never got to watch ponies. Well, he probably did, I'm sure it's a big thing in the apple forum. RIP Steve Jobs.

- mymixed
Are you serious? You are comparing dead people. Recently deceased, DEAD PEOPLE WHO DIED. THEY ARE DEAD. THEY WERE PEOPLE. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* you guys, who cares what either one did? They were human beings, you do not have a fight over which dead person is better. Cocks to you. Have some *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing respect.

How about: RIP Steve Jobs; human being. RIP Billy Mays; human being. I don't really give a *Can'tSayThisOnTV* what they accomplished, they died at an early age, and that is sad. I'm sorry for both of their families, and that they didn't get to experience as many years as most of us will, but they had families that loved them and they both loved their work.
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