Starting to mod: Needing little bit of help

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The PSU wire is overkill. It's really thick, and might actually make your unit thicker because of how much room it takes up.
Alright, il grab some R-shack wire at the mall on the way from school to home) 20 guage is good?

Also, when using the multi meter to determine the positions of things, do i turn the NES on, put 1 end of the multimeter on the hole I wanna find the duplicate of on the otherside, then just keep touching holes till I find one that doesn't make the Multimeter go off.

P.S will a voltmeter work too?
20 gauge should be good for all your connections.. If you want, the PSU wire can be used for power. Sometimes it's better to have thicker wire for power.

No idea about the multimeter thing, I don't use one.
QuickSkope said:
Also, when using the multi meter to determine the positions of things, do i turn the NES on, put 1 end of the multimeter on the hole I wanna find the duplicate of on the otherside, then just keep touching holes till I find one that doesn't make the Multimeter go off.

I really don't get what you're trying to do.
Probably not necesary in this project anyway, but for hacking the Xbox 360 WIFI module (way off track) I will. Whatever, il ask a better question when it's needed.

Cool, Which one should I get, an SNES or NES?
alright, but won't that be kinda big for that ZN-45? I want 2 Lions, the screen, the MOBO of SNES, controller (integrated)

ya, im gonna pick up the Weller 25 whatever, seen it online. I bought a nice 45W for 20$ and it works fine on the huge wires im trying to solder....DAMNIT, forgot to get that stupid 20guage wire from R-shack. ohh well, il pick it up tomorrow.

@Zeturi, im using an NES, not a clone one unless you can get me one for around 20$ shipped (what I have on an org. NES now)


EDIT, new news, I can get an SNES for 5$ more. should I get it? or stick with my 20$ NES?

Edit 2: here is that mockup, don't have paint on a MAC (do you?)

EDIT3: Also, when I get the ZN-45, I should get white, so that I can paint it well, right?

EDIT4: should I buy a desoldering Iron and use it insteed of my 45W/ desoldering braid combo?
Yat, another mac user!!! *beams*

alright, well, to start, I use PowerPoint 2004 picture editing tools to make shoops, then screenshot (cmd+shift+4) or save as jpeg file.

Now, when you rip up your SNES controller, take the controller cable and make a long slit down the side of it with an x-acto knife, then peel off the black rubber tubing. You now have a ton of wire that's perfect for every connection in your portable!

Just have fun, be a noob, learn along the way, and don't stress out about stuff. If you end up using 2awg wire for everything and end up with a behemoth SNES edition of frankenstein's monster, at least you learned something, and then a winner is you.

<your sig here>
Jesus, I love this comunity, when I first became a hacker, NO ONE would help with with C++ or bineries, but here, you guys are all ears, thank you ModRetro. Alright, Im talking with my bud about my SNES, gonna ask my dad about the monitor.

P.S, I have about 4 XP pcs, but there not as fast as my moms mac, good to load browsers with.

love the last part about being a noob. As someone once said "trial and error is the best solution" Don't remember who, but thanks a lot for the help

EDIT: ok so my dad said hes fine to pay for anything I want about this (so long as I repay him the fee on his card) but he doesn't trust people on the other side of the world (china) and that screen is sold by chinese, but where is it shipped from?

Anyone got a seller of that screen that they buy from.
If that screen is from DX, then it's from China. Maybe you can buy one from someone here.
well, my dad says it's fine through paypal, so il have the screen in..... about 2 weeks or something. Now just need to find that SNES.