Starting to mod: Needing little bit of help

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Alright so im starting to mod, and im not like one of those idiots who thinks he can start with an Xbox 360 laptop, im starting with an SNES or an NES, But I have a few questions:

1. My all time question, what guage wires do I need to rewire ports and power supplies? Ive heard Ribbon (IDE) cable, but that stuff is very small compared to some images of other mods. Anyway, what guage will I need wire will I need.

2. I am possibly getting an NES or SNES from someone, but I will definetly need a screen. Heard that the 5" PS1 screen is nice, but for SNES and NES, It would be good to use a 2.5-3.5" screen, which would be better.

I know im missing something, il edit it in when I remember.
Looks like a nice screen, but

1: is it compatible with an SNES or NES

2. What guage or type of wires can I use?
Ok so I stole some wires from an old PC (they are Enmass here) PSU will these work? you said anything around? there copper, good right?


Will this work well, is it too thick?


Battery X2: ... arate.aspx ... limit.aspx

Sorry to steal some of these from your thread, but how do you attach the Overload stopper to the Li-on batteries?
Sounds good to me, have you used this one? also it doesn't look like there is any AV or audio jacks. Are those yellow and black things them?

Also, have a look at my post above, I added.


Also, please look at those wires above, or link me to a spool of wire.
Yes, I will buy it ASAP. Gonna ask my dad about borrowing his Credit Card.
Pretty sure I wire an Audio amp: out the Headphones jack and into a speaker right? if not, I may concider that screen.

Edit, Doesn't seem to be a Headphone jack, anyone wanna give me a quick rundown on how to?
QuickSkope said:
Ok so I stole some wires from an old PC (they are Enmass here) PSU will these work? you said anything around? there copper, good right?


Will this work well, is it too thick?


Battery X2: ... arate.aspx ... limit.aspx

Sorry to steal some of these from your thread, but how do you attach the Overload stopper to the Li-on batteries?

BUMPING this, since I only got an answere on the screeen.
I got a bad request error from the second and third batteryspace links, but if you posted all the 7.4v stuff (2 3.7v cells, PCB, and Charger) from this guide, that'll be right. Also follow that guide for hooking up the batteries...but if you have no experience with soldering/batteries and stuff, make sure you read up on some safety guides with those just a bit. They can be dangerous, especially if you're going to be trying to solder to those tabs on the cells.
Thanks for the safety warning, as ive done little soldering (mostly hacking) and will be in need of coaching, also, would anyone care to help me with my elusive wire problem: what size?

Also, do you recommend those batteries?
with those batteries you will get roughly 7 hours of gameplay with the 3.5" screen and no audio, with audio you should still get around that amount of time
Nice, that is sweet, I looked at that thread and it TOTALLY cleared my problems with the attaching of the Li-ions.

Dang 7 hours, thats good, right? :P
So with 1 more, maybe I could get 11.1?
DO you sugguest 3? I mean the thing can get crowded right?

Also, stupid question but on A li-on (like the link) are the + and - side of the prongs labbeled?

Also that label confuses me (3 li-ons) But if I connected all the li-ons together (bridging with wire) then cut the wire cover in the middle, soldered it together, then connected it to the little slots (not the B+ or -, then in theorie it should work? Anyway tell me how to connect it so I don't fry the batteries and my NES.
For the wire, that stuff would be fine for wire. Overkill for anything else though. Ribbon cables, the older flexible type, are good for general purpose rewiring. You can also buy spools of wire. Look for 22 or 24 gauge, stranded, hook-up wire.
There is 20-22 guage wire at Radioshack, it's in 3 starands of something like 3 meters. IS 20 overkill? or is the PSU wire overkill?