Source of samples / paid for plastic enclosures

Re: Sticky this plox? Where to buy plastic enclosures!

LOB always used cases from other sites, but i cant remember any.
*runs off to check BH*
Re: Sticky this plox? Where to buy plastic enclosures!

I never knew pc had samples. Looks like my ZN-40's gonna be free. :awesome:
Personally, I like LOB's case for the fugtendo, just if it were in a better color...

...but thats what krylon fusion is for! :mrgreen:
look im new here and i do no thi is necro posting so sorry in advance but im super curios on how to acutaly get the free samples like do u have to ask or what
Boot with a BartPE disc, Live CD or alternate OS and delete C:\Windows\system32.

Seriously? Don't bump ancient threads, and lern2spel. Polycase does not give out free samples of the most common portabilizing cases anymore and I think they check out who you are more thoroughly now. Don't know about PacTec or OKW, but in general you should be able to find instructions with some searching.