Sorry, guys.

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Frequent Poster
I've been feeling a bit flax lately about the way things are going for me on this forum. I know lots of the people here don't like me, with good reason too.

I've been a troll at times, a dick at times, and *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing annoying at other times, and people are getting tired of it. So uh, I guess this is an apology for all that. I'll be trying to do better in the future to be less of a snowpenguin, etc. etc.

Short and sweet is the best way.
Yeah, I don't really expect everyone to be all lovey dovey anytime soon towards me, I've lost most of the respect I may have had and it doesn't just come back, I've got to earn it.
Quick tip: Don't let your emotions online. Best to leave them in the real world.

Helps me all the time.
You are a troll, you're quite often a completely arrogant, obnoxious dick, and you are incredibly *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing annoying the vast majority of the time.
You're young, and act young for your age if you ask me.

Oh, and you're on the internet.
You ain't doin' that badly.

This is a completely pointless topic.
jleemero said:
You are a troll, you're quite often a completely arrogant, obnoxious dick, and you are incredibly *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing annoying the vast majority of the time.

Lock for great justi...

Oh wait, wrong forum. Not a moderator on this one.

I wonder how the quick reply acts after a thread is locked.

I mean, for Normal Users, I don't notice a difference of course.
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