Something awesome just happened...


Official Hypello of ModRetro
Alright, my brother and I were raking up leaves for some elderly people who live near us. We did a fairly good job, and they wanted us to do less than an acre. You know what we got paid? ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Yay! Has something like this ever happened to anyone else here while doing an odd job?
I was gonna get payed for babysitting a 9 year old but since I let him play Halo I just got an angry look from my stepmom's friend and my stepmom herself.
Reformatted my friend's PC in an hour, got $50.

An elderly woman can't figure out how to use the plasma she bought, I written a simple diagram and instructions as clear as possible on how to do this and that and preconfigured the setup to work easily, got paid $60 in two hours.

And I can't find a part time job. Go me. :rolleyes:
Ripped a segment off a DVD and reduced the size. 100$, 10 minutes :) Don't get those jobs often, though.
Basement_Modder said:
I get $100 every fall for picking up all the leaves in our backyard.
You pick them up? You know theres this thing called a rake that speeds up the process. :dahroll:
I got paid $150 dollars to replace a heater core in a 1996 Chevy pickup.

Took 15 minutes.
I got paid $150 to do about 20 minutes of cleaning the day before a newly built house went on the market. :awesome:
A new game store (Play and Trade) just opened and they say they'll buy my Genesis!
i can sell my stuff at my local play-n-trade. i have a personal 3 month warranty on the stuff, if i breaks, i fix it. we split the money 30/70. cool beans. so far ive only done chipped xboxes and a chipped psone, but it stands for portables.
Something AWESOME just happened! I worked in the rain for 6 and a half hours and made $170! Making $25/h is awesome, working in the rain sucks.