Some help / Pointing in the right direction

To be honest, these mods - portable GameCubes, portable NES, laptop 360s, everything! - looks really awesome. I'd love to do some of this stuff, and I need something to keep myself occupied over the summer. I know that it'll take a lot of knowledge to even do something simple, let alone a portable GCN. But everybody's gotta start somewhere, eh? So, to the point, I know absolutely zip about electronics. I couldn't tell you what any part is or what it does. I'm not asking you guys to personally slave over me, but I would like to know a good place where I can learn about the different parts, soldering, how everything works, etc. Then, after I have the basics down, I'll try backlighting a GBA or something. But as it stands, I just need to learn stuff. "Electronics" is a broad term, so Google hasn't been doing it for me. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help me out a bit!

edit: About money: I don't have a lot of it. I get that this can be an expensive hobby, and I'm willing to cope with that. But mainly the first paragraph.
I am impressed with your first post. It is typed properly, and you are asking properly.

To get some minor electronics knowledge, read up on simply the basics. This could work to read up some. If you're not sure how a specific component works, Googling how it works will generally get the job done.

Now, for portablizing. When you feel you are ready to take on a bigger job, read the megastickies. Then read them again. And again, and again. And if you need help you could hop into the chat room and hope people will help you there, or make a worklog and ask questions there. (Mind you, if you have a worklog don't spam questions over and over. You can edit your post with a question, no need to make a new post. Try to avoid double/triple posting, etc.)
Read all the worklogs and megastickies you can find. Also, welcome to MR!