Soldering basics?

hey im obviously a stupid noob, but i was wondering where to buy a soldering iron and also what brands are good(im plaaning on making an n64p). im pretty confused after reading the wiki deffinittion of soldering. do you put iron inside of your solder-gun-thing and let it melt and then join to wires and they work? or do you stick the 2 said wires into the gun together and it melts them together? if its the first then what kind of metal do i use and where can i get it? and also do you even solder 2 wires together, or just solder a wire to the silver dots on the mobo?
Telosse said:
hey im obviously a stupid noob, but i was wondering where to buy a soldering iron and also what brands are good(im plaaning on making an n64p). im pretty confused after reading the wiki deffinittion of soldering. do you put iron inside of your solder-gun-thing and let it melt and then join to wires and they work? or do you stick the 2 said wires into the gun together and it melts them together? if its the first then what kind of metal do i use and where can i get it? and also do you even solder 2 wires together, or just solder a wire to the silver dots on the mobo?
Just go to Radio Shack and get a soldering iron. And you obviously are not too aware of how soldering works. You use solder (the metal stuff). Again, just go to Radio Shack and get some. In the mean time, watch this
0. Let it warm up.
1. Pick up the right end of the soldering iron. :awesome:
2. Touch the solder (metal stuff) to wear you are going to solder.
3. Touch the soldering iron to the solder to melt it on to the wire and board.
4. Put soldering iron back into its holder (if it has one).
5. Let it cool for like 5 seconds.
6. ?????

General explanation. Make sure to practice first.
That's not even right.

You want to tin your iron before you solder. That way you avoid oxidation and thus long term damage to your soldering iron's head.

Unless you are using Kynar wire, you will want to heat up the connection (the wire tip) and while being heated press the solder onto the now hot connection. If you just press the solder to the iron, chances are most of the solder will not even reach it's intended destination; instead, it will just stay on the head of your soldering iron. In other instances, you will form a cold joint, which isn't good either.

For more information, there are plenty of fantastic tutorials on YouTube that I would recommend looking at. For example, just watch the video Hermaphroditus linked up above.