

Looka' pretty sweet. Original name, too, I like that a lot.
I got a new screen yesterday, and I just woke up.

I am looking forward to a day of work, either with this portable or my epic PVC arm gauntlets which do not yet have a purpose.


Okay. Two problems: I messed up the case a little bit last night, I forgot to put in space for the volume control knob, so I dremeled one in. It didn't look too good because the case was hard to steady with 18 billion wires coming out of it. Then I tried to paint it because it was showing too much white. That didn't go well either. It's alright though.

To top that off, when I got up this morning and checked on that battery pack I took home from beta's, on cell was, uh..swollen? Just a bit, it's not that bad. I might not use them now, I'm getting slightly different voltages on each cell, and afaik they are supposed to be equal. I might look around for some different batteries today, and if I'm lucky they'll fit. XD

Bought some AA holders from ratshack, assembled a new audio amp, still got interference on both the screen and the speakers hav an annoying buzz.

I think it has to do with grounding. How can I split the screen's and the audio's ground?

Use shielded wire and put a coil and diode on the video line. Trying to isolate power and ground is just going to make things worse.
Not exactly sure, but I remember someone talking about it a while back. The problem was with video and not audio IIRC, but it can't hurt to try.

On a side note, I'm posting this from my XBOX, using the somewhat archaic and somewhat usable Linksbox browser. And a horrible flexy keyboard, the only USB keyboard in the house. I'm not sure if this is better or worse thsn the Eee PC.