Mario Sunshine themed GameCube


Well-Known Member
The last few days, I've been working on this little 'cosmetic' mod for a GC.
Even though I spend my energy in documenting my stuff in video form, I feel a more in-depth text based worklog might help someone. Maybe.

The idea is to have a little hardening clay figurine of Mario show through a prison window on the side of the GC, as in the opening of Mario Sunshine. The window is also made of clay and I'll try as much as possible to make it look like a barred prison window made of stone for the frame.

The clay used is called Giotto Plastiroc (in europe), it dries in more than 24h and its water based. It's the cheapest I could find. It proved to be quite easy to work with as you can add water at any time before it dries fully to correct mistakes.
The clay gets pretty hard when cured meaning detailed structures can stand on their own. But I don’t have the talent for that. Also, it can be sanded and painted.

Here are a few pics in between the boring explanations :P


Here are some pictures of the Mario model before drying fully. It’s fairly small and I’m having trouble getting at the fine details. You’ll notice some dents and granular structures. I’ll fix that with a nail file and sand paper afterwards. It’s better than trying to get everything perfect in one go in my opinion.



Here is that same model once sanded. The defects are mostly gone, and the surfaces look smooth enough.

Here’s the 1/3 of a nail file cut in a triangular shape I used.


And here’s the window frame. The bars are Q-tips. I’m hoping to take advantage of the ‘rock-like’ look of the hardened clay so I’m not gonna sand it. I did have tp add some bondo to fill holes where the ‘bars’ fit though.


Everything is primed in spray paint, using Montana color because it sprays really thin and doesn’t fill in the details.





Test fit in the gamecube.


The idea is to take advantage of the space normally taken by the fan : about 1.5 cm deep. The fan can fit just right on the over side.
To glue in the figurine later, I’m going to add a ‘wall’ to the frame that used to hold the fan. To allow air intake, I drilled a few small holes on that ‘wall’. Also, some air can seep from under it right to the heatsink.
When the epoxy glue has cured, the frame will ben spray-painted black so that it doesn’t show too much.


Here’s a test fit of the fan on the other side. It fits just right with a millimeter of slack. In a pull configuration it should pull hot air from the heatsink just fine but if ever it proves to be insufficient, I have a variety of smaller 12V fans that will do the trick.

Next :
- painting with modeling paint (citadel)
- spraypainting the frame
- assembly

I hope this won't take too long ^^
Painted Merio this weekend ! Only advancing at one afternoon per week so it won't moove fast..


Mario looking pretty sick from me not knowing how to mix paints


Finished. I'm pretty satified but it looks like a knock-off of a mario figurine.. Huge jaw and not quite symetrical.. far from a professional look but I'm still happy with how it turned out.

Paint and brushes are from the 'citadel' brand.

Also, I tryied to model mario's body last time, but I've had to cut almost everything to make it fit in the case.. too bad..


Also, the fan frame has been painted matte black.

Now, all that's left is to paint the bars on the window and glue everything.

Thanks for the encouragements guys.
Fluxedo said:
Are you doing anything else to the body of the cube to sunshine-ify it?

I definitely considered it .. Maybe replace the black disk on the top with a 2 cm thick shine..

But I prefered keeping it simple.. Also not clutering the GC (but that's more of an excuse than anything)

Might change my mind :/
weekly update !

Everything has been painted now, the frame has been glued in the GC shell, and mario on the fan frame. Couldn't go further this week sadly.. Hopefully, next week I'll get to assemble it all, mount the fan, and take a few glory shots :P




Had to cut a bit of shielding, nothing important. It just saves a millimeter for my 'fan frame'.. Could have taken the whole thing off the case obviously but I wanted to keep the guts 'untouched' as much as possible.
Well, I'm sorry I failed to update this thread... It's not that interesting as a mod but maybe some of you will enjoy some glory shots :)

It's been done for a while, cooling works great, everything seems fine as of now. I have yet to stress test it for more than an hour to be honest.

Had some trouble closing it up because of Mario's nose...





I love this! I hope you don't mind me asking, but why didn't you put Mario on the other side? I don't gave a gc in front of me, but I believe that the right side has the same amount of space as the left side, and you wouldn't have had to relocate the fan.

Awesome concept and great detailed work. This is similar to what I hope to do some day soon :) (but different theme)
I love this! I hope you don't mind me asking, but why didn't you put Mario on the other side? I don't gave a gc in front of me, but I believe that the right side has the same amount of space as the left side, and you wouldn't have had to relocate the fan.

Awesome concept and great detailed work. This is similar to what I hope to do some day soon :) (but different theme)

Well, actually, it doesn't ;) there is like 0.5 cm more.. The fan barely fits on the other side and at first I considered putting in a slimer one.

Don't quote me on this though
Well, actually, it doesn't ;) there is like 0.5 cm more.. The fan barely fits on the other side and at first I considered putting in a slimer one.

Don't quote me on this though
I see now. That's too bad :P it would've saved a lot of effort I'm sure if they'd made it symmetrical. Either way, Nintendo wasted a huge amount of space on building it, and I applaud you for putting it to good use. This gc looks seriously awesome :). I've done quite a few painted gcs and one textured (brick) one, but yours is cooler and more in-depth than anything I have made. The detail and level of effort put in really show. Congrats on this, OP :D