SLGC - ShockSlayer's SL-68p GCp: Worklog

Episode 4:


Trimmed the heatsink and installed the regulators, glued and taped down the memory card wires on the bottom to be flat with the mobo.

Every thing is looking really good man. I can't believe the heat sink turned out that nicely cutting it up with a dremel. If it comes to it at least I know I still have a way of doing it. Thx for the shout out too, you must have a crapton of you tube followers, I woke up this morning to a mass spam of subscription e-mails from your little plug. :D
Yeah, I used an expensive cutting wheel though, I think they cost like $20 at Lowes. >.> Plus, it took like 30 minutes to do, and the heatsink got really, really hot, I had to wear gloves. :P

Shocksayer and gloves in the same sentence? *faints*

This is the guy who doesn't wear oven mitts, if you didn't see where I was going with that.
I suggest cutting a square in the center of the heatsink (only cut through the columns not the base) and plant the fan inside of the heat sink, should make for much better air flow and save space in the case.



I also haven't been able to find the link to your web cam above the chat room. Have I just been tuning in at the wrong time or is the link to your web cam always there with an online/offline status indicator?
plant the fan inside of the heat sink
You'll need to dremel/cut/w/e out where the fan will sit in the fins.

That was already mentioned two pages ago, this isn't anything new.

When the link is there at the top, I'm livestreaming, when it isn't I'm not. Hit and miss. I was busy yesterday and I will be busy today, so I haven't had the chance to work on my GCp recently, but I usually stream generally after 6PM EST and beyond.
Judging from the size of the screen I think your going to be using controller flanks on the sides, if so:
controller flanks = black
case = red

I think fancy color schemes are over-rated. You should just do one solid color of your choice. But, it would look pretty darn cool in white.

P.S. Controller flanks are also over-rated. They make your portable look bad. Dont use them. Embedded controls are better. (And I believe I just coined that term.)
White with dark grey highlights.

That way there isn't too much contrast, but enough.

Also, I really don't care what color scheme you choose, because any way it will be :awesome:
Beta and Aux have both been gone since Thursday and I miss them.

Also, case design is up in the air, but I intend to use the SL-68p case(s).

oh I thought that since you made SL stand for something, it meant that you weren't using the SL-68 anymore. I'm glad you're still using it, its gonna be tiny!