SLGC - ShockSlayer's SL-68p GCp: Worklog

There's also the batteries. I have a pack in mind, but that, a charger, the reg's + parts + audio amp + heatsink at this point are all unpayed for, because I ran out of cash, I'm pretty much stuck until I get the wiikey fusion, unless I start casework which I really don't want to do. :P

Go to TI website and get some free samples of the regulators you need, You should only need 1.9v and 3.3v so you can get the whole setup for free. They even pay for shipping.

I have 12 or so stock GC heatsinks that I trimmed down to 1cm even, Tchay gave me a link to a fan that will sit on top of it nicely (the fan is a couple dollars on ebay). I can supply you a heatsink for the cost of shipping and you shipping me back a heatsink to replace the one I send.

Tchay can vouche for my heatsink trimming skill. I trimmed 3 down to 6mm even for him.

Its not much but the above may get you going a bit.
I might be interested in your trimming services, Ashen. I'll PM you if I need one. Can you post the link to that fan you were talking about? Sorry for cluttering up your post, SS
βeta said:
Ashen, you're a cool guy and I like your avatar.

I will PM you ashen, although I'd actually like to see some of the heatsinks(I will go look through your threads or something), I might be able to just do it myself, save us both from a trip to the post office! :P

Ordered the TI samples. I have the resistors, and maybe I'll be able to scrounge up some caps, if not, I'm sure that I can probably get enough from my local ratshack.

βeta said:
Ashen, you're a cool guy and I like your avatar.


Crappy iPhone pics... Sorry..


You'll need to dremel/cut/w/e out where the fan will sit in the fins. I left the fins all in tact because of different fan sizes.
Ashen, what did you use to grind down the heatsinks? And how well do they work compared to an unmodified heatsink?
That looks really darn good, like seriously. I think my dad has one or two different grinders, I want to try this for myself!

You can use the circular saw if you get an abrasive disk blade for it, jig saw wouldn't wort too well for this due to the shape of the heatsink.
We have a huge automatic bandsaw where I work(ed). Thats what i used to chop the fins, belt/disc sander to even things out. Then hit with wire wheel on a disc grinder to deburr all the sharp edges. Measured them all on a comparitor in our quality assurance lab. All of them clock in at just a hair under 1cm thick.
I have a big ol' metal bandsaw in my basement, if I can get the Dang blade to track properly I'll cut you a heatsink.
ShockSlayer said:
Good gravy, ashen, what did you do for a living?


Both my wife and I work(ed) at a pharmaceutical injection molding company, of which its probably best not to name until my severance period is up. The woman worked in Q.A. and I worked on the floor as a process technician (setup, programming, troubleshooting, etc of the injection machines). They told us back in December they were closing our plant at the end of June, which has crept up quite quickly. Technically I still work there but I've taken vacation the rest of the week. July first is my official "severance" date. Both of us were there 11 years. So yea, This sucks. :/

We did some of our own tooling work there, so between our toolroom and maintenance shops I had some nice toys to play with while I was there. Now I guess I'll have to buy all of my own flax.
Yeah, paying for things totally sucks. Speaking of which:

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE: I'm actually managing to sell some of my things in my FS thread! That means that I might actually be able to buy batteries and "etc." and eventually finish this thing! within a few weeks, likely.


If anyone is interested in hearing about what I was doing on the tinychat stream last night:

A friend of mine lost his favorite necklace up in DC(actually, it was the one day we traveled out of DC) when we went to an amusement park during our class' senior trip. His birthday is coming up(in two days holy *Can'tSayThisOnTV*) and I figured I'd make him a new one, but out of epoxy instead of metal. I found some old pics and replicated the design in Paint.NET, then I edited the size and printed out a picture. I painstakingly cut out the tiny non-stencil parts of the paper under a fluorescent magnifying glass with a razer, and then made a flat pancake of epoxy. Put the stencil over the epoxy, ran a marker over it and I had my design. Just spent about an hour or so dremeling at it, and this is the result so far:


Obviously not done yet, I've got to get the full shape(basically the huge red outline) down to size and evened out. I've also got to make a ring on the top for the necklace part, and then paint it to match the original colors(black and gray).


Wired up Mario's 2 transistor version of daft mike's low battery LED circuit, gotta tweak it when I get the regulators and the batteries, so I set it aside for now.
