ShockSlayer's AG-64 worklog!

Did someone commission you for this, or is this for yourself? Either way, it's looking good so far. Definitely wish I could chop up a board like that.
I guess I should mention the the controller is lightly hotglued in there, so should I chose to change/move/sand something then I can.

*BOOM* *head explodes*
I managed to squeeze the screen in today. And I mean squeeze. Jeez, what a tight assfit.

ANyways, now my n64's 7085 died. I have to replace it. Or there could be something else wrong. Either way it's pissing me off. I have a spare n64 though, so all is well in the world of SS.


Not much room in those case huh? LOL

I try to tell people but they don't believe me. It was hard as heck to get a Genesis 3, Psone screen, batteries, cart slot and controls in one.

But it looks like you're almost there. Keep it up :)
Will cartridges insert on the top, just behind the screen or will you have to attach another enclosure?
"OH WOW HE'S MAKING AN AWESOME ONE THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT SS DOES SUCH GREAT WORK oh wait, are those tact-switches? ... god Dangit..."