scale model of gamecube controller?

I will be wanting to create a 3d model of a GCP case idea i have floating around in my head, and was wondering if anyone had a scale model of a gamecube controller so that I could get the buttons correct. (and maybe eventually 3d print this?)
No problem, hope it helps. It'd be awesome to see a portable with such a high level of precision and uh, computer-aided fabrication. Basically a portable with the least amount of sloppy hand-made work. That's the approach I am taking as well.
Zack, would you happen to have a DWG or similar AutoCAD drawing of a GC controller? I'm drawing mine out before I commit to making any modifications to my case or controller. Maybe even accurate dimensions of the buttons, d-pad and analog sticks. Anything helps. Thanks!
Livewire15 said:
Zack, would you happen to have a DWG or similar AutoCAD drawing of a GC controller? I'm drawing mine out before I commit to making any modifications to my case or controller. Maybe even accurate dimensions of the buttons, d-pad and analog sticks. Anything helps. Thanks!
There's an SVG of the controller layout that I just shared. If you open it in Inkscape, you should be able to save it as a DXF or PLT file, if either of those would be useful.

I also saved a DXF version of my own layout. Here's both versions.
DXF ... e_face.dxf
SVG ... e_face.svg
The button cutouts on my design are to scale, so you could get measurements from there.

Here's some measurements just to be convenient. Remember these are measurements of the cutouts, not the buttons themselves.
A button - 16.747mm diameter
B button - 10.438mm diameter
C-stick - 22.979mm diameter
Analog stick - 23.472mm diameter
D-pad - 19mm x 19mm
Start/pause button - 6.449mm diameter

The X and Y buttons are hard to get a measurement on because of the odd shape. Plus it's worth noting that I still need to do some editing on the X and Y buttons. The X button is a bit skinny so the fit is tight, and I think both buttons should be a bit stubbier. I don't know how you're fabricating this, but please test the cutouts before doing anything final. You'll want to make some prototypes and test cuts/prints until you know that everything is perfect.
Thanks! The plan is to have small 3-4inch plastic squares CNC'ed as a prototype, keep trying the buttons until they work, and then mill the ZN-40 with the final design. I just didn't want to eyeball all the measurements, and someone keeps taking home all our calipers :wtf: