the Gamecube Advance


This is another Gamecube portable, the lightest and smallest I ever made. It took me roughly 2 months to build and plan everything

some specs:
solid plastic (PLA) 3D printed case
5inch HD Display
built in 56blocks Memory Card (original)
built in DVD drive (original)
the controller I used took its design from the Wii classic controller, assuming to the right buttons, but parts like C-stick, D-pad were used from the original Gamecube Controller. L/R/Z are tact switches on the top of the portable (left and right) and the analog stick is from PS2 ;)
at the rear of the device is the socket for wallpower and the on/off switch

demonstration video:
A built-in DVD drive is something you NEVER see anymore, so that's pretty cool. Nice job with the full-size buttons and joysticks; they look really comfortable.